[Center][h1][u][Color=A52A2A]Bailey Collins[/color][/u][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/UqGQmjR.jpg[/img] [U][I]Location[/i][/u] Cafeteria - Auditorium [U][i]Interacting with[/i][/u] [@aquanthe] [@Utrax] [@SheriffLlama] --- [/center] [Color=A9A9A9] Blinking Bailey had looked up at the young woman as she apologized, confusion written clearly across his face. [Color=A52A2A][I]'What?'[/i][/color] his broad furrowed but she had already left the table, pushing past a particularly loud man who had barreled in. His mind was already muddled with Maria's voice still echoing in his mind like an unwanted ghost. He wanted to ask her what she was apologizing for, after all he was the one who pushed her earlier. Glancing up at Sienna he asked, [color=A52A2A]"Do you know why she apologized?"[/color] hoping she had caught something he had missed. Before she had a chance to respond the intercom click on overhead. Had an hour passed already? Suddenly Bailey felt weary, as if someone had sapped all the strength from his limbs. It seemed like the adjustment time was over and they were now going to start their 'trials'. Arthur was quick to speak up as he stepped out of the kitchen, encouraging the rest of them to heed the woman's directions and head to the auditorium. Out of the lot of them he seemed to be the most complying. Bailey sighed loudly before getting up from his table, leaving behind his mess for one of the workers to clear. He looked over at the new guy once again, noticing that none had bothered to answer him or even try to quell his fear. He twitched his fingers slightly before striding up to him. [Color=A52A2A]"Uh,"[/color] he paused, unsure of what to say, [color=A52A2A]"I'm Bailey."[/color] he stuck out his hand for the boy to shake. What he going to say? That he was here because he had some super power? He already seemed like he was in total denial, not that Bailey could blame him. The whole idea was absurd. [Color=A52A2A]"Arthur's right, we should probably head on to the auditorium. Looks like they're going to start our [I]super power[/i] training."[/color] Bailey tacked on with a dry, awkward chuckle. [Color=A52A2A]"We can walk together if you'd like? Its a lot to take in."[/color] he was aware on just how awkward he had sounded. He readjusted his glasses once again, trying to play off his own unease. As he looked around he noticed the same boy who had sat off on his own the other day, sitting down with a mini hoard of items from the bending machine. [Color=A52A2A]"Hey, yo!"[/color] Bailey called out waving at him, [color=A52A2A]"We're heading to the auditorium, want to come with?"[/color] There was always a safe feeling when it came to facing the unknown in numbers and right now, Bailey needed that little bit of courage to help stave off the niggling feeling of worry that kept creeping. [/color]