[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]Piedmont Hospital Newnan[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr] Outside of the Hospital things were quiet. The snow was quickly melting and dripping from the side of the building and the trees around the hospital. Tuffs of ground were starting to be seen from under the snow. The sky was clear and the sun was quickly warming things up. At this rate it could easily hit seventy degrees by the afternoon. Probably a very welcome change considering just how cold it had been lately. Granted, quick melts could bring problems but right then everything was well. To the south of the Hospital, over the leafless trees there was something though. There was sighs of smoke climbing into the air. Not a wide spread smoke but several smaller ones. As if a neighborhood had had their fireplaces going the night before and it was burning low or out at this point. Some of the smoke was gray, some was white. If anything it was something. Something burning right then could be a good thing, could mean people. It was too wet out to have a forest fire. Though having people could be a bad thing as well as anyone would know in this day and age. It was a coin toss but right then it was the only sign. Maybe it was the same people who had spray painted the walls with dates and the word clear. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=0072bc]Thana[/color] & [color=f26522]Gavin[/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop) [b]Interacting With:[/b] Each other, Ash, Ravi[/center][hr] Gavin gave Ash a firm handshake and nodded to the man in charge. [color=f26522]"Much obliged, alreadys gots me some vittles. And of course Sir,"[/color] he said politely. He understood that shit had apparently hit the fan but his momma had raised him right. You made introductions no matter what in nearly any case. It was how Southern boys were raised. From the sound of Ash's voice he was from the South as well. Not Georgia or Texas but this man was no yank. He gave a courteous tip of his hat and moved out of the way. Stepping over to Thana and placing his hand around the back of her waist he kissed her cheek. [color=f26522]"I's be rights over yonder if ya needs me,"[/color] he said before taking a few steps over towards Ravi. Thana cocked a brow, it was the only emotion she showed right then. She just nodded to him and turned her attention back to Ash. Gavin didn't think anything of it. She was on the clock in his mind. She always had that ability to just shut down and do her job if she had to. The fact she didn't smile or act warmly to him didn't set off any red flags in his mind. Looking at Ash she gave a nod. [color=0072bc]"Aye, aye Sir. [i]Yours[/i] at the ready and awaiting further orders Captain,"[/color] she said. That certain emphasis on a single word coming through again. She knew she would have to explain but she also knew now wasn't the time. It was the only thing she could do right then to give any hint of where her loyalties lay. She just hoped he picked up on it. [color=f26522]"I can'ts believes it, it be her,"[/color] he said as he placed his hand on his heart and his knees bent a bit. Sure hell was breaking out, or had and was under control but still. In his mind God was giving him a second chance to correct the biggest mistake of his life. He was already thanking the sweet baby Jesus in his mind as he took a hold of the cross that hung around his neck. The dead were dead, there was nothing that could be done about that. Turning as he heard Ash radio out what had happened he cocked a brow. So that was why the Master Food Man was being kicked out. Hell, he would have promoted the man but it wasn't his call. He just stood there watching Thana, love and regret in his eyes. Glancing over towards James, Thana had a thought but it could wait. Jim was taking over, he must have been the security detail that Ash had called for. She felt horrid for Ash and what the town was going through. Apparently she wasn't the only one. The older woman she had been introduced to the day before came walking onto the scene but she didn't take it the way Thana figured she would. She looked calm as the day was long, the fact she was wearing fuzzy bunny slippers made it all the more perplexing. "Bloody hell... Okay, everyone that doesn't need to be here get over to the Mess Hall and warm up. Get something to eat. You're just gonna make things worse by staring. Now go, you can say goodbye in an hour," she said in a firm voice as she walked over to Ash and James. [color=0072bc][i]"Who the hell is this woman?"[/i][/color] Thana thought to herself. She acted like a grandma yesterday, now she was acting military. Thana didn't get it but she wasn't about to pipe in. Ash had given her an [i]order[/i] so she held her ground. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/15538670_1799587316995431_8758437261512540160_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwNzYyMDA2MzI5Njc1NzI0MA%3D%3D.2[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop) [b]Interacting With:[/b] Jack, James, Ash[/center][hr] Tatiana hooked her radio on her hip and grabbed Jack's as he ran off and got his boots on. She about told him to go get dressed but she just laughed as he came back into the room. There was no point. He was fixated on getting her patched up. She just went with it and figured she would just have him put on a set of scrubs in the Infirmary when they got there. Lacing her arms over his shoulders as he picked her up she kissed him softly and then rested her head on his chest. When the call of the radio came in that they were to stay on their honeymoon she smiled. Things seemed to be under control. That was good. She didn't want Jack back on shift if he didn't need to be. Thing was, then the news came in and Tatiana's ever happy features faded to sorrow. Sana had taken her own life? She had seen this coming. She had been trying to get Sana to open for some time and talk but she was always met with a brick wall. Tatiana swallowed the lump in her throat. She should have pushed harder, she could have stopped this. At least that is what she told herself. Two others were dead and while she didn't get along with either of them, she didn't want them dead. And now James, her Uncle James, was being kicked out of Newnan for murdering Richard? Taking a deep breath she looked up at Jack, fighting back the tears. [color=a187be]"Oh no..."[/color] she said in sad voice before looking back down and closing her eyes. This was all too much. She knew the penalty was death, so it was at lest something but for James to kill anyone in cold blood? Something wasn't right and she would be damned she lost another person because she didn't put her foot down. Cut or not. As Jack carried her towards the infirmary from their house they came onto the scene and Tatiana quickly pushed out of Jack's arms. Setting her foot down and hobbling through the snow. Her eyes fixated on James. She rushed to him and threw her arms around him. A trail of blood form her cut being left in the snow. She buried her head against his chest and refused to let him go. He was her family. He was her uncle in her mind. They laughed together, shared stories, talked. He was one of the few people in Newnan who was always as happy as she was. Yet right then she wasn't at all and even though they were not genetically linked her facial expression nearly matched his as she looked up at him. [color=a187be]"Ve all done horrible things, vorst things to stay alive. To protect those ve love. Ve get to come back. Ve all get to come back. I vill see you again,"[/color] she said quietly as she cupped his cheek and gave him a kiss on his other cheek. She knew she would see him again, whether it was in Newnan or another life. She would see her uncle again. Taking a shaky breath she turned to Ash and looked at him. [color=a187be]"I vant exit interview with James. I vant to make sure he not threat to himself or us after this. For safety of town and him. And I vant session with every member of Nevnan as vell. I vant to make sure this doesn't happen again. I should have pushed harder to get Sana to talk. Could have avoided all of this. Von't make same mistake again. Please Ash, for me, for town. Let me."[/color] Stepping onto the scene Froggy looked around in horror. "She is right Captain," he said solemnly as he looked over towards James, Tatiana still not releasing him fully. Her hand on his arm. The woman could be a frightened little bird but around James, no matter what he did, she wasn't afraid and it showed. It wasn't often Tatiana showed her stronger side but right now it was there in spades. "After I take a look at your foot little bird," Froggy finally said as he looked down at the blood in the snow. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=fff79a]Ryan O'Reily[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzym45prCj1qcnxvno1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop) [b]Interacting With:[/b] No one[/center][hr] Ryan's jaw went slack as Ash radioed out what was going on. He wondered just how many people in Newnan were hearing the news. Ash obviously since he was the one talking. James because he was right there. Thana and this new bloke Gavin as well. The Indian looking fellow he had no idea who he was but by the way the cowboy was talking to him he figured they came in together. Hop along Pete was there, AKA Ray. Neisha had showed up. Meg was getting chewed out by Ash, so she knew. Kris was there as well. Tiffany as well, of course she was, she was Ray's third leg. Jim was there. There was also Tatiana who seemed to be rather adamant about having a talk with James before he left. All while she was hopping on one foot after being carried in by Jack. So that covered those on site hearing it first hand and not through the radio. Sally showed up and started doing what she did. Telling everyone to go eat. She must have heard through the radio. Froggy must have as well since he showed up and seemed to be backing Tatiana wanting to talk to James. Riley would have heard if she was near her radio. And if she was being sisterly, Chloe was with her. The rest would just have to get it second hand. Ryan ran his hand through his hair and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it up and taking a long drag from it. For some reason he was feeling kind, or maybe he just felt... Oh who knew what Ryan was feeling right then. [color=fff79a]"Anyone want a cigarette?"[/color] he called out in general to those on scene. They were rare and he kept a stash. Right now he felt they all could use one, and probably a drink. He looked around and waited to see if anyone wanted one. He would go grab breakfast in a minute, that was after he got out of his damn boxers.