Helloooooooooo!! so i was asked to join here to by a storm so here i am!! 8D Adding in a fun border character with some basic stuff. [b]Appearance:[/b] Her kind is tall, standing around 6-6,5 tall on average with long thick hair and deep ambely eyes that faintly glow in the dark. Their skin is red/purple with bone like growths covering areas around their joints and head acting like extra protection. For reference but with above attributes. [hider=basic appearance] [img]https://artfiles.alphacoders.com/728/thumb-72803.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=armour] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/af/08/5b/af085b4a5d3ecfcc0a221a55a8f302cc.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Rannapra Eni’douis of the Rackar clan. - Ranna works to. [b]Race:[/b] Rapto (easiest to pronounce) [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Job:[/b] Boarder [b]Weapons:[/b] [hider=reference image] [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/698c/i/2012/214/a/3/mass_effect_3__omni_tool_fire_reference__by_troodon80-d59j1it.jpg[/img] [/hider] (SWAT): Survival, weapons and tools – An arm equipped support computer equipped to handle most situations one individual can find themselves in, it carries the capacity to fire most known ammunition or simply launch a blast of energy. Also tells time. [b]Abilities:[/b] Techno adapt – Her abilities to understand and use technology is frightening. If you need a quick hack or to steal an active fusion generator this is the girl to ask. [b]Personality:[/b] Hierarchal – Ranna enjoys being in a group like any of her kind and stubbornly sticks to the norms and rules of that group while at the same time quipping and bantering freely with those within it. She tends to be an optimist happily doing most tasks and gladly organizing or taking part in events. But her temper is as hot as her happiness and your do well to not piss her of as it will bring on a primal furry that only sees a rival in her battle fever. [b]short bio:[/b] Ranna does not talk much about her past, mostly smiling amused when the subject arises and then giving some vague tale of distant planets and boredom. Of course most wouldn't think what her true background is boring. Growing up on a colony planet, She recieved the teachings and practices of her people aided by her genetical memory most of her kind are considered adult by the age of fifteen or sixteen varying depending on their ability to be self reliant. From there she has moved from one jobb to another taking on many exploration missions out into the unknown. As her path led her into these sectors she lost interest in working only for her own kind and spent her curiousity to this place and the coming years till now was a blast. And that is about what she will tell you while maybe adding a few details on some of those missions.