[hr][hr][center][h1][color=8040bf]Eudora Esmeralda Erebus [/color][/h1][/center][center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/c8562b442b10b6c5f798e8d73b1664ca/tumblr_inline_mnfus8qamZ1rlpk9c.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=8040bf][b]Location: Coventry Attic[/b][/color] [color=8040bf][b]Interacting With: Basically, everyone there. [@Morose] [@Nallore] [/b][/color][/center][hr][hr] Eudora paused for a moment as a sudden horrid thought struck her. Folly warned her of time being distorted with their actions, but what if time had already been distorted? What if Eudora was meant to die yesterday but the only reason she lived was because Folly stepped on a butterfly in the past which prevented it from annoying a worker, which in turn stopped him from falling over and dying, which in turn assured that the construction of whatever he was building would be completed which was key in causing an accident which would cause shrapnel from the accident to hit Eudora directly in the head killing her instantly. And this hypothetical timeline spawned thousands more in her head, and a thousand more questions and worries. Was her time hopping disrupting whatever plan the Universe had for her, or was this all just part of its plan? Were they really time hopping, or where they alternate universe hopping? If it was the latter, does that mean it would be possible to control the wardrobe to send them to another universe where none of this happened in the first place? And as Eudora went back on her promise of not prodding anyone, including herself, with 1,001 questions and to just "go with the flow", a mental switch flipped inside Eudora. She was no longer Eudora the elderly witch who just witnessed all these things happen passively, no, she was Detective Eudora, here to solve the mysterious cases of the murders and this magical wardrobe. Now, knowing that she knew nothing sparked within her an exhilarating feel of curiosity and adventure, she already felt centuries younger. [color=8040bf]"I understand your worry, dear,"[/color] Eudora said with a nod towards Folly, [color=8040bf]"But I can't help but to wonder, how much control do we really have over time?"[/color] she purred, taking relaxed strides towards one of the attic walls as she entered this state of Zen. [color=8040bf]"For example,"[/color] she began, [color=8040bf]"If I were to, say, break a hole into this wall. Would the people in the future suddenly have their memories altered into thinking that hole was always there? Would they ever be able to recall a time when they were sure that the wall was not broken? Would they see the wall suddenly having a gaping hole in it and have no explanation as to why?"[/color] Eudora knocked on the hollow wall, sending particles of dust flying and an ominous echo throughout the room that spoke to them about how ignorant they truly were. [color=8040bf]"What do you think Fairfax?"[/color] Eudora bent over and picked up a loose piece of wood, her face betraying no emotion other than calm as she readied the plank as if to strike the wall to test her hypothesis. But then, a loud crash snapped her out of her trance. She dropped the plank with a clatter, forgetting all questions as she scurried over to the wardrobe where the two bodies fell like sacks of potatoes. [color=8040bf]"Oh no, are you O.K.? Nothing's broken I hope,"[/color] Eudora cooed over the two ladies as she helped them up, her tone carrying the soft touch of a worried grandmother. All ambitions of messing with time for science were brushed away. For now. Just long enough for her to ensure the pair were alright. [color=8040bf]"My name is Eudora Esmeralda Erebus,"[/color] she introduced herself, rolling the r's in her name perfectly, a slight accent in her voice that clued the listeners into her mysterious past. [color=8040bf]"But you may call me Eudora."[/color]