Janetta was concerned about whether Gris may or may not have taken the doctor's comms device for himself... But she didn't mention the worry. If he had, there was nothing they could do about it at that point. Besides, it may help them locate and disarm him faster, which would be ideal, considering it would be one less enemy to sort out. She brought her device up to sight level and touched it, activating the contacts screen and selecting Ami's name. It rang in her palm, and the noise was echoed somewhere a few rooms down from where they stood, off to their right. Jan's eyes snapped up to meet Ryobi's, and she let it ring once more to see if anyone would answer before promptly hanging up when nothing came. She didn't want to attract any more attention to them then they might have already done, and if Ami didn't pick up after the few moments her device was vibrating, she wasn't going to at all. In a swift motion, she slid her device into her pocket and withdrew her pistol, holding it once more at the ready as she squinted her eyes down the short hall lined with rooms for patients, as if that might give her Kitt's scanner vision. The stark white of the walls surrounding them was starting to prod at Janetta's ever-flaring anxiety, especially in the silence that followed the comms' ringing. In an effort to assuage the tension that was amassing in her body, she found herself putting one foot in front of the other, heading towards the direction of where the doctor's comms had been heard. She wasn't sure if Ryobi was following behind her, or what his feelings on the proper reaction might be, but she was too paranoid to pry her eyes away from what might be waiting ahead of her. She passed the first two rooms, which were both closed and dark, and didn't bother checking them at the moment, because it didn't take long for her to realize where her destination was. It was the second patient's room on their left; the door was open and the lights were on, and when Janetta finally shoved away from the wall on the left side of the doorway which she had been taking cover behind before entering the room, she simply stared. "Ryobi," she breathed, by way of telling him to come look if he hadn't been following her. Her tone was strangely monotonous, unsure of how to feel about the sight. When her officer looked inside, he too could see that the doctor's device was laying by itself in the middle of an examination table at the center of the room.