So here's my Character, basically what happens when you take roleplaying too far and go mad. Still have a few things to work out. [hider=Louen | Guardian (WIP)] [center]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [img][/img] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [/center] [u][b]Basic Infomation:[/b][/u] Kusanagi Yuutav "Duke Louen, the Questing Knight" Human, age 23 Level 90 Guardian Level 88 Noble [u][b]History[/b][/u] Ever since he was young, Yuuta had been enthralled by Arthurian tales and stories he would read from his local library. The boy found something so heroic and so noble about the fantastical knights that it would leave a lasting impression on him. Unconsciously, he attempted to emulate the actions and manners of what he perceived to be a true knight, virtuous, noble, heroic and brave. Unsurprisingly, Yuuta’s love of knights translated well into games where he would always be seen wearing some type of heavy armor with a shield in one hand and a lance or sword in the other. The digital knight found pleasure in role playing in games like the heroes he’d still read and research in his free time, and Elder Tales was no exception. Taking a knightly name for himself, “Louen” spent a great deal of time playing the game and eventually gained a reputation for the completion of so many quests including the trivial side and radiant quests. Such actions thus earned him the unofficial nickname “the Questing Knight”. Much of his equipment and abilities are actually quest rewards of some form or another. Diving deep into role playing, Elder Tale allowed him to really become the knights he had read about and adore, even picking a questionably useful subclass of “Noble” to help with it and rose to the rank of “Duke”. In due time, Yuuta joined a guild of fellow knights called “Fate Grand Order”. Although Yuuta rose through the ranks and gained a reputation as a chivalric fighter, the Order was torn apart by internal strife and members leaving for real life reasons until all that was left of the guild was Yuuta who, as he often did, made the ending like that of a story. Taking the sword that once represented the guild, he stuck it into a stone in a forest clearing with a text below stating “To whom draws the blade, doth whom become legend.” To this day, Yuuta has no idea if the sword is still there or has since been taken. However, when the Catastrophe came, Yuuta was hit extremely hard. Hit with the realization that now he was trapped inside of a game with no way out, he went a little bit crazy. Maybe more than a little bit, but he definitely lost it. After spending the first few days wandering around in a haze, Yuuta fell into a lake and nearly drowned before he had a vision (read: started hallucinating). He has never spoken about what he saw in the waters, but when he reawoke at the Cathedral, Yuuta was no longer there and in his place was Duke Louen, the Questing Knight of Kyoto, Chosen of the Lady, Protector of the Realm. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] Yuuta displays an attitude that is easily very different than that of his real life, but his digital persona has completely overtaken it as he doesn’t even refer himself to his original name but instead as Louen. Louen’s actions are that of the archetypical knight, always chivalrous, always virtuous, always honorable. He holds himself to strict moral code and refuses to attack anyone who appears innocent but shows great ferocity in battle against those who face him. Slipping in and out of speech patterns, praying and attributing victories to “the Lady of the Lake” and shouting quotes are all things which Louen does and has built on his reputation if not in a slight different light. Although he is considered to be insane by just about everyone who meets him with a few even confusing him for a Lander at first, few can doubt his prowess nor his skill at arms and combined with his apparent relationship with the People of the Land is an invaluable ally and friend to those who sound the call for aid. [u][i]Equipment[/i][/u] [hider=Frozen Auric Armor of Lost Knights] [i]Amongst the Lander’s nobility, there is a popular tale of a group of knights who once tried to find the kidnapped heir of a lost kingdom. However, the knights were unsuccessful and had tragedy after mishap happen to them until they began to drop one by one in the clearing of a frozen forest, their souls trapped within their armors. Those who have recovered their armor from the questline receive it as an completion reward. It stalwart defense also provides a constant aura of ice damage to enemies but ironically it has a weakness against ice-based attacks. [/i][/hider] [hider=Blessed Astral Warsword] [i]Normally a two handed sword, Louen’s strength and gauntlets allows him to wield this massive magnificent blade. Forged under starlight using meteoric ores, the blade gives a natural boost to attacks and is imbued with a buff that gives bonus damage to the undead and ethereal enemies. After completing the quest , Louen picked the reward which blessed his holy blade, making it even stronger against undead and etheral units as well as having a perpetual glow around it. [/i][/hider] [hider=Iron Boat of JUSTICE] [i]Another quest reward, the Iron Boat of JUSTICE (yes it is actually spelled in all caps), is to many people’s surprise, a shield. While it looks like a small canoe with a blade running down its middle, it is heavy and requires the use of both hands. Louen using the abilities of his gauntlets however can use it like a normal shield. What surprises people even more is that due to magical enchantments, it can actually be used as a boat.[/i][/hider] [hider=] [i]One day, Old Ironclad Knights arose from the depths of Castle Karlgoth and silentl assumed positions amongst the castle guard. No one knew where they came from but their stotic defense of castle time and time again proved them invaluable warriors until a wizard banished them all back from whence they came. Obtainable by exploring the Ruins of Castle Karlgoth, these gauntlets are so strong that they give a buff to parrying and countering enemy attacks. Indeed, some have even forsaken a shield in favor of just using these armor plates to deflect attacks. [/i][/hider] [hider=Martyr's Halo] [i]Floating just above Louen’s head, this piece of headgear reduces all critical damage and works especially well against head shots. It has a secondary effect of providing all allies in a radius the buff when Louen is slain in combat. Also good at providing light. [/i][/hider] [hider=Last Banner of Eden] [i]An item Louen acquired ages ago but as kept. When the banner is planted down in the ground, it forms a protective ring that heals anyone inside of it as well as providing a small defense boost. A popular strategy is to use this in narrow places along side with hate skills to effectively block off a hallway in a dungeon[/i][/hider] [u][b]Skills/Abilities[/b][/u] [hider=Canon] [/hider] [hider=Non Canon] [i]The Clarion Call is sounded and knights flock to it. Every person hears a different instrument - some hear chimes, others bells, others a horn and even those who hear the songs of the gods themselves - but those who hear will instantly know what it is. The caster is given a speed buff to heed the call and rush to battle.[/i] [i]The Lady protects those who serve her dutifully. This passive ability gives a buff to health, health and stamina regeneration and strength to those who have completed a long and difficult quest line and have drank from her Grail at the climax. Holy light radiates from within the person, making them generate more hate towards undead and demonic foes who swarm to him like moths but Louen is more than ready to face them. There is little doubt that this powerful passive is one of the reasons why Louen is considered to be one of the strongest fighters in the area and also how he is able to use a greatsword in one hand.[/i] [i]Another passive which grants Louen the fearlessness required to charge down any foe. It completely denies the Fear status effect and reduces the effect of other mental statuses. However, it seems to have made Louen actually fearlessly brave to the point of jackassery.[/i] [i]By lighting one's soul aflame, one will attract all manners of things to it; even monsters. This ability effectively “steals” the Hate from allies and puts it all one a single person (usually the caster). It is characterized by the blinding light that appears when activating the spell.[/i] [i]Also known as the Suicide Knight spell, this spell rapidly drains the life of the one who casted it and generates so much hate that even raid bosses will focus down the person and any damage is exponentially multiplied against the caster.. In return however, it grants the user dramatically increased attack power to the point they can hew through multiple enemies at once. A true last stand ability.[/i] [/hider][/hider]