[@Dynamo Frokane] Yes, I would feel the same. [@NightinGem] I thought you were gone. Anyways, she can find happiness with one of our lads. Love isn't limited to one person you meet in your life despite what disney wants you to think. She can't be Belarusian because she ultimately rejects her culture/ethnicity by doing this. Also, racism is prejudice, not hate. Everyone is prejudice to everyone, prejudice is natural and is a normal result of having a double-triple digit IQ. [quote]My girlfriend is Polish and I'm Italian. [b]Am I a traitor to my race?[/b] Are we both? Just a hypothetical question.[/quote] nah that's bait [quote]merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gender en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/… Also, it seems that the most prominent dictionaries have updated their meanings. [/quote] Not only dictionaries, as I have said. Many people, particularly middle aged and elderly have different ideas on it and forcing a lot of bullshit on them is not going to go down well.