[quote] If you're just gonna proudly espouse racist views, there's not really much I can say. And justifying acting on prejudice by saying we're all prejudice is generally not a super strong argument? Are we not fighting prejudice the best we've ever been? And holy shit, you can't be of a culture/ethnicity if you don't marry into it? I...wow. [/quote] Not only is it natural but it has purpose. But yeah, stay shocked as the realization dawns. [quote]Hm, so is their opinion more important because they came first? Or is the broadening of views and language by integrating facts as we unearth them? Maybe I should leave again, not really accomplishing much, I know, but this is fascinating.[/quote] Because they made you and that's how they want it, they're the basis of the tongue. They shouldn't be forced to use some strange definitions of their language that a bunch of people going through phases want them to use. [quote]...shit I'm being pretentious again aren't I I'm sorry >>[/quote] well at least this time you figured it out Also, [@Dynamo Frokane] out of curiosity why is that disappointing? Are you just too eager to remove green eyes and my people's appearance out of existence?