I'm looking for a couple of new rps. I've been rping for years, but took a large break due to my work schedule....so it's going to be a little rough at first. [b]Romance does have to be involved otherwise i get bored and tend to give up quickly.[/b] I prefer to play females since I am one, but I will double if necessary. Right now I work a consistent 4-5 days a week from 8 am - 5 or 6 pm, possibly later. I try to respond at least once a day, but sometimes it will have to be every 2-3 days depending on how work is. I do prefer to be contacted by PM's just because it's easier to see the notification, but I try to check subscriptions daily. I also am open to starting rps through email/outside sources in case the site goes down. The list below is full of rough ideas, but i'm also open to other ideas. [u][b]Fandoms[/b][/u] Harry Potter Tangled Pretty Little Liars Switched at Birth NCIS- haven't thought about this one in depth [b][u]Other Ideas[/u][/b] [b]Country-related[/b] - craving [b]Military-related[/b] - craving Bridesmaid x Groomsman [b]Athlete x Coach's daughter[/b] - craving Teacher x Student Friend x Friend's sibling Best friends Vampire x Human Celebrity x Fan Band member x Band member Strangers Blind date