[@The 42nd Gecko] Well it may be a fairly even split now, you still have to remember the score board goes something more along the lines of this: Demons Angels Machina Angels Demons Demons (still counts as a victory for the demons, more so if they did so flawlessly there couldn't have been a fight) Still to be determined. Not to mention the object for KC-00033 wasn't just repel the invading force, but also to minimize damage. Ceil alone caused a hefty bunch of external damage outside of KC with her hurricane, not to mention flooding the streets with her Levaitian attack. Plus Ceil managed to steal a powerful prototype mech suit that the Machina had been using their own resources to make. While she only has one suit, the three suits are useless if they aren't all together. Sure, the demons and angels may have not completely fulfilled their objective of destroying everything, but it's still up in the air if the Machina won the tactical victory too.