[i]Legends tell of four great warriors, each wielding a brilliant Crystal, who saved the world. These warriors of the Light had banded together to combat the world's decline into destruction and decay, slaying the evil forces that caused this crisis. With their combined might, and the blessing of the Elements, the Warriors were able to defeat the evil forces, restoring peace and prosperity to the world. Afterwards, they each went their separate ways, coming to rule four continents of the world, guarding both the land and their Crystals. Thousands of years later, the Crystals still shine their blessings upon the world, and while the heroes of old may have become merely legends of a fairy tale, the Crystals themselves are still revered as the 'heart' of the world, Gaia. Should darkness return to the land, they will lose their light without brave heroes to fight for them. Day by day, the light of the Fire Crystal dims...[/i] --------------------------------------------- So yeah. Final Fantasy interest check. Something in the vein of I-VI/IX, setting-wise. General idea is that a group of warriors/adventurers/that-one-guy-who-would-probably-be-an-npc-in-a-proper-ff game/Super-powered Chocobo steeds band together in order to save the world. Crystals are probably involved somehow. Any takers? Also, have some setting info: Gaia, a fantasy world in which magic is abound, monsters roam the plains, caves, meadows and abandoned castles, and world-shattering events happen every thousand or so years like semi-regular clockwork. In the world of Gaia, 4 Crystals control the aspects of life: Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Each Crystal resides on a separate continent: [list] [*]The Fire Crystal of the Flamma continent, known for its volcanic climate, and the Gulg Volcano. The city of Hibana is the main power here, with its King being known for his tight-fisted rule. Despite the less-than-fruitful terrain, the people here manage to make a living. As do the rock-eating trolls and such.[/*] [*]The Water Crystal, located in an underwater ruin within the Amnis Continent. The Town of Minato functions as the largest port town and the kingdom's hub, where the Queen resides. Mermaids are still seen as mythical and make-believe, even though there's, like, twenty spottings a year.[/*] [*]The Air Crystal can be found on the floating continent of Divum, where the Avian-Humes generally reside. Due to its small stature, there's only one city to be found - Sobieru. Due to the ill health of the king, the winged prince is currently in charge, though he doesn't seem too good at it.[/*] [*]Finally, the Earth Crystal is found in Solum, the kingdom here being Rikuchi. Due to its mountainous terrain, the gnomic people generally live underground, or in remote areas. The Gnomish King and Queen rule the land here.[/*] [*]Another continent of note is Quietus, a land situated between the other four (well, three if a floating continent isn't counted...). Due to certain hostilities that sometimes flare between kingdoms for various reasons, this land is used as a place for non-hostile negotiation, or inter-continental contests held once every five years.[/*] [/list] As far as races go... well, I'd rather avoid stuff specific to certain titles (like Ivalician races, or... whoever's in XI and XIV), but generic fantasy/Final Fantasy stuff, such as elves and Moogles, are all playable. Beastkin, too. Maybe even a peaceful monster race for some variety! And I'm also considering following a job system. Nothing heavily restricting like "White Mages can only use staffs and know how to heal paper cuts", but more of a loose... I dunno, affinity. Any input on this stuff is greatly appreciated.