[h2][center]The Minutemen and Others - Rocker Warehouse[/center][/h2] [center][@Banana][@Nattook][@yoshua171][@Spiffy][@PlatinumSkink][/center] Decoy did not immediately respond to Celia's inquiry. Presumably the hero had to actually open the files and observe them before being able to react. To the android, such speeds were beyond slow, despite taking place over only a few moments. Still, she got her reply before the Minutemen had concocted a plan to move forward with. [color=cyan]TheRe@lD3c0y:[/color] I have no information in my databases for someone with this appearance. Why do you want to find this person? Meanwhile, the group was trying to come up with a plan of attack. Artificer had gotten off of his giant wooden fly, but otherwise didn't have anything to add to the exchange. Outsider suggested going in from different angles, a multi-pronged attack as it were, under the logic that they didn't know how many parahumans would be inside the building. [color=92278f]"Well unless something has changed, all information suggests the Rockers only have two parahumans. Their leader, Ceramix, and his second in command Shatterpoint. They're based in Boulder so their numbers have got to be spread thin if they came here to Denver. That's only two parahumans if they both came together. Three at most, if Wisp is going to act hostile."[/color] Kyoshi threw out a couple options, including letting Outsider distract everyone with his giant serpent form, or just destroying the whole warehouse. G4M3R wanted to slap her on the spot. [color=92278f]"Are you insane? We'd probably kill a ton of people doing that! Not only would we suddenly find ourselves public enemy number one for all kinds of murder, the PR would be a nightmare and nobody would want to donate to our cause!"[/color] He shook his head. [color=92278f]"I think that Artificer can open up a hole for us in the roof with his explosive beads, since Kyoshi can't move metal or non-rock material. Then we can swarm inside, beat up some bad guys, and if anybody tries to get out then Outsider can scare the crap out of them back inside. Thoughts?"[/color]