Batharyn got the slight feeling that she could be opposed to his idea of working 'for free' this one time. However he frankly didn't care much about it. He really had not much money to his avail and even he had had, there would have been no reason for him to spend it on everyone whom he barely knew and whom he had never seen 'in action' before. He didn't react to it and remained where he was, hardly moving at all. The thief's tracked her hands as she let them move seemingly arbitrarily through the air at a slow speed. Batharyn listened to her words and his mind tried to compile them just in time. The immediate outcome of this was... well... not very satisfying. She saw shadows ? Yeah of course then she had so see light as well. Shadow's couldn't be without light surrounding them, could they ? And then the string of fate. Yes of course there was some kind of connection between them. They had met each other and he had made the proposal of traveling together. And of course it could be considered 'fragige' given that they hardly knew each other! Saying that this string could either be strengthened or break was something he immediately considered to be an utter commonplace -- a general property of every 'string', material or not. And ultimately the 'too numerous outcomes'... To cut a long story short: Batharyn strongly believed that she either was trying to provide him with a fake or she didn't try hard enough. To her excuse his mind had to add that he would have done the same if he had had to work for free. Maybe he should pay her and give her another try ? Before he could reach into his pocket to pick up the cheapest coin readily available she left the stable however. [color=ff9900]"Hey! Where are you going ?"[/color] he raised his enormous voice behind her. [color=ff9900]"I'd be a very bad auxiliary if I'd let my employer's guests leave without accompanying them and showing them their rooms, wouldn't I ?"[/color] The man grinned and stepped up his nonexistent pace to follow her back into the tavern. [color=ff9900]"Upstairs, please."[/color] Batharyn had closed the gap between them, now standing besides her. His hand pointed fowards towards the rather narrow, wooden stairs. A gentle smile was cast on his face again. At least this was something he considered himself to be quite good at. Deceiving people....