[center][h2][color=#FFD967][u] [b]Tanner Harwell[/b] [/u] [color=#FFD967][sup][sup]Current Location: Snowy Mountains, Northern Districts[/sup][/sup][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/rX5zgAo.png[/img][/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i6fLcHF.png[/img][/center] [color=silver]Gabriel had nodded at Tanner, who would have taken the promise with a grain of salt, but he at least acknowledged that Gabriel would keep his mouth shut from revealing Tanner's secret. However, the anxiety was still there, and it bothered Tanner that despite the assurance, there was still a chance that Gabriel might speak of what Tanner didn't want anyone to know about. Before Tanner had time to think about what would happen if the group had found out his deepest secret, he was brought back to reality as the hiking cadets began to scream, yell and holler about missing a person. Looking around the area through the cold and biting weather, which was already a challenge with the blizzard hitting the group hard with blowing snow, Tanner tried to figure out who they were missing. Tanner was sure he had previously counted all seven group members, but after he counted once again, the numbers hadn't added up correctly. Just as Emil noted, Tanner had counted six people in total. The wind had made it nearly impossible to see who was missing, but before Tanner could check, Connor had taken off back down the snowy mountain in search of the missing cadet while the rest of the group continued to trudge on upwards. Soon after Connor left in search of the cadet, Reese had followed suit as well. The departure of the two cadets in search of their missing friend had left only four cadets left to continue hiking, yet instead of going back to find whoever was missing, Tanner had stayed with the group. As much as Gabriel was the leader of their little clique, he was prone to suddenly mentally freeze - perhaps soon as well in the temperature sense - and Tanner knew he had to keep watch over the tall cadet for that reason along with any personal reasons he had himself. Emil might've been able to help, but even while he was a friend of Tanner's, the boy was a known criminal and Tanner couldn't be sure if Emil was going to help at all in such a situation. There was also Jay in their party, but Tanner had only spoken to him on a few chance moments. Truth be told, Jay had not said a word to Tanner, or anyone in the group during the entirety of the hike. He was silent, like Tanner was throughout much through his life, but it was an abnormal silence. Perhaps Jay had not wanted to speak at all, or maybe his tongue was frozen due to the cold weather. Maybe even Jay had some deep secrets that made the cadet hardly wish to speak, and Tanner knew more than anyone that it wasn't wise to prod into personal business. Whatever the case was, Tanner could hardly pay heed to Jay, and just like Emil, Tanner wasn't sure if Jay would help him with Gabriel in case the cadets were in trouble. Eventually, Reese and Connor had shown their faces once more with the missing cadet striding up the mountain trail. The snow had begun to dissipate as the group, once more whole, had almost reached the top of the mountain where the cabins were located. Olivia, the missing cadet from before, had noticed this as she called out to everyone and nearly sprinted through the snow ahead of the group to be the first one to reach the top. She was excited, a polar opposite to what Tanner would have expected after the incident before, but he didn't wish to question or ruin Olivia's mood. Following the rest of the group of the mountain, Tanner made haste to the cabin he was to rest in and placed the heavy bag on one of the cots inside. It felt great to be relieved of such a stress on the shoulders, and Tanner stretched his limbs to return the feeling back to his body. Walking back outside into the cold weather, Jade had stopped by to speak to Emil and Tanner, the cadet joyfully asking the duo if they still had their fingers and toes. Smirking, Tanner removed his gloves from his hands, keeping a thumb hidden behind one hand as he removed them. The other hand was closed while the thumb was poking through the fist, and Tanner placed it on top of the other hand.[/color] [color=#FFD967]"Truth be told, I think we're missing a finger, Jade."[/color] [color=silver] Tanner explained, sliding the top hand away, giving the appearance that his other hand was missing half of his thumb. However, before he could see Jade's reaction to his magic trick, Lauren approached the two girls, placing a tankard in both of their hands, causing Tanner to frown as the cadet medic interrupted their conversation.[/color] [hr] [center][@Jinxer][@wolverbells][@HecateProxy][@Ambra][@Solace][@SheriffLlama][@FrostedCaramel][/center]