[quote=@rivaan] “Ahhmmm~~~” Elleonora made a pleased sound as she stretched her arms, leaving the building where the self defense classes took place. Today was actually payday so she now had good money in her pocket. Frankly... she was making a living albeit just enough. With the money she got from her side job as model for usually adult magazines, she somehow or other managed to keep just enough money in hand to live a good life with enough luxuries to not have the right to complain about. Well it wasn't always nice because of this dual nature of hers. She felt that half her being was content with this life and the other half hungered for something way greater. She had decided never to complain though, so she simply took life as it was, struggling to maintain the point of equilibrium. Best thing was that she could take out Jane for lunch tomorrow, after paying her part of the bills. Thus in this fine night, with a smile on her face she slowly walked down the streets, just waiting to reach her favorite side alley where no one was ever present, just so she could take off and stretch her wings properly. She was currently dressed in low cut jeans and open back frilly shirt made of thin veil like material that was blowing gently by the air as she walked. Elleonora had just about reached the alleyway when she heard a voice call out to her. She turned to the side, raising an eyebrow as she faced the man who talked to her.” What is it that you mea...n... ohh” She started quickly with the standard question to divert from the topic. She was pretty sure there weren't humans who can see her form, but it seemed this one was not human... This was something else. Judging by the pale skin...” Bugger...” She mumbled, making an expression of complex thinking.” Frankly nothing that would concern someone like you. Or to be precise nothing that you should concern with.” She stated, just in case the silly humans were listening. Not that changelings like herself were harmless, far from it. Just that she didn't want to really get involved in anything of this kind. What a bad luck for someone to randomly spot her. He must be using an ability to see through the mask. She really doubted they were looking for her in specific. She very briefly considered just bolting into the alleyway and then flying up. “Can I help you with something or you just wanted to ask that?” She asked, wanting to know before hse decides on a course of action. [/quote] [quote=@Grec] [b][u]Hector Sea[/u][/b] The woman just nudged him off with a blunt remark, Hector didn't take to kindly to this. Hector's Auspex faded away as his vision returned to normal. He saw that the woman who once had wings protruding out of normal body was now just a normal woman. She must be hiding herself with something. As long as she didn't reveal the supernatural to humans, Hector didn't have a problem with her, but just in case Hector let her off with a warning. "Reveal that form to any humans and we're going to have a problem. We don't want another Inquisition on our hands, but you're probably too young to know of it." Hector said to the girl. Before she could retort to his warning, Hector dissipated into Dark Shadows and went to his car. He turned the engine on and headed for the church where Lucas was taking shelter. Hector pulled up to the driveway of the church and took a look around. It was a quaint little place, there was some greenery which you didn't usually see in L.A. Hector could hear the birds chirping-the sun was going to come up soon. He had to be quick about this. He entered the church and used Auspex, locating Lucas easily. He approached him, and as he looked into his eyes he Dominated Lucas. Hector threw a pad and a pen at him, and told him to write down everything he knew about the Demon Cult of Cidahl. [/quote] Adam was on a walk. This was not uncommon, but lately, his little walks had been..tense. His senses were on overdrive, and it was almost painful, but Adam could deal with pain. It was more how..big the world seemed, ever since he learned about Ada, what she was..and what he was. That..that was more then pain. It was confusion and paranoia and..Adam heard something. There, from that alleyway..he strained his ears..what, don't..reveal that.. Adam's heart thudded a little faster. Maybe it was someone like him in that alleyway. A little voice in his head whispered on how Ada could change too, but still, he had to have hope right? He took a deep breath and headed towards the alleyway. When he finally reached the place he called out to woman, using a soft voice. "Hey..I uhhh, heard that exchange, and..what form did he mean, and I'm cool, I'm not a hunter or anything.."