[quote=@Lurking Shadow] [@mdk] I feel similar to what [@Odin] thinks. The benefits of Democracy is limited by the knowledge of the voters. Socrates compares society to a ship in an example... In order for Democracy to be beneficial, the voters must be informed of the issues and the best way to deal with them. Without knowledge, many things can arise from Democracy. Hitler, for example, was able to exploit the fears of the German people to the point where his party had total control. [/quote] Citing Hitler as justification for your brainwashing class is [i]precisely[/i] exploiting the fears of the (not-German) people to the point where your party gets total control. Control is the virus, Hitler is just a really terrible symptom. You can't beat future-hypothetical-minihitler by enhancing the amount of control such a person would ultimately get. "Informing people of the best way to deal with the issues" is a means to WHATEVER end -- remember, Hitler 'informed' his people about exactly those things.