The man who only let himself be known as Time Lord… or Patrick, to a select few… walked smoothly down the street. He no longer wore, for the moment, the robes that he had first donned in this place. Over his shoulder, he had a pack, and under an arm, a large notebook, well preserved despite the number of pages. Without his mysterious clothes (And without the litle help of magic) it became quite clear how young he was. 16 or 17, at most. Yet there was a look to him that suggested he had seen more than his years could account for, a deep almost wisdom like look in his eyes. There were many thoughts wandering through his mind at that moment. He knew that messing with time could have powerful consequences, yet… he thought he had accounted for that. All that would happen, would only affect his timeline… His disappearance there was by now, surely, noticed. His adopted father… what would he go back to, when he did go back? If he did survive here? It wasn’t as if his father didn’t know what he was doing… he’d allowed him to come here, a mere child. The young man remembered what had happened… it had been some of the most terrifying moments of his life. The young boy had had an efficacy with manipulating time. Usually, just a few moments, sometimes a day or two. Even a week, a month one time. He couldn’t, most times, control it. Bright for his age, Patrick remembered everything. Everything that had happened, everything that he might have changed, knowing everything… So, after some thought, Patrick, at six years old, had asked if he couldn’t go back seven years… change everything. It had taken some time to do it, a lot of planning, and yet Patrick had never been worried. So, in a council of six, with him the seventh, Patrick had flung himself through time. He was never quite sure what had happened, yet the man that had found him, in that cold, icy winter, had told him he’d been unconscious for weeks. Emancipated, weak, and lost in a time that he had never been in, would not be in for ten years or more, he had allowed himself to be cared for, first regaining the weight and strength he had lost, then regaining his magic. And sometime later, the girl had been taken in as well. Magic then was still considered evil, only just being brought back around to being good, useful. And so their master trained them, never dreaming that Patrick had ever traveled through time to be there. It had taken some time, and illegal magic, to weave a memory block on both Sasha Shin, and their master. It wasn’t the time for him to be revealed, and he couldn’t stay in Sasha’s life forever-it would change the timeline too much… Looking back, he already knew he had greatly affected not only her life, but others. And he had seen the change in time, the split between his and this time. They were no longer united, but different… he couldn’t see the future in this timeline, but he knew the history of his own. Choices. They greatly affected everything. Had Sasha chosen to become pregnant, to the wrong man? Or had his choice to be here, changed that future too? The thought that the young Ice wizard might actually survive gave him hope for the future, for what was to come. Sasha Shin, Ice Queen, was perhaps one of the few hopes for change in this timeline. He’d have to wait, and see, of course, what actually happened. Yet there was a difference… perhaps they had already succeeded in changing the future. Patrick thought on that for a few moments. Even if that was so, he couldn’t change his path now. The young man stopped at the plaza, just a short walk to the Phoenix Wing Guild Hall. It was here that Patrick waited, leaning against a building, for the people he had sent messages to. The last stragglers in his plan… the ones that had intrigued his interest enough, to bring them to one of the three powerful guild in this world… they would, of course, have their choice. Patrick didn’t particularly care what they went with, all he thought was that a little bit more power, a little bit more.. Honor, in what was to come, could mean the difference between life and death. The young man, with brown hair, brown eyes, and a look that might be familiar to some people, watched the crowd that was wondering the plaza. He had never experienced this, this levity, this bright form of life, not quite like this, in his timeline. When he was growing up, the plaza was rubble. The formidable guild hall, a little way a way, nothing but a few bits of timber. That was where he had been found, near death, freezing, in the hall of his parents, waiting for them to come home. They never did… even then, Patrick had known they were dead. But a child could hope… Seeing them alive now, being, no matter how small, a part of their lives… it was a childhood dream come true. Shaking his head at these thoughts and images, Patrick waited, wondering if anyone would come, the shaking of the ground, the tremor, something that twisted his guts, and made him shudder. With a few words of magic, and a wave of his hand, Time Lord still the trembling ground, [i][color=tan]”Wave Magic”[/color][/i]. He was his parents son, after all. That had been the first magic he had learned, in this time. His mother’s magic… one he rarely used. He’d leave lacrima magic to his older sister, now that she was… alive? He supposed that wasn’t the weirdest thing he had seen, nor heard, in his life. He chuckled, he himself was man out of time. Perhaps that was another thing that he had changed, in coming back. Mayhaps he had made it easier for such things to be manipulated… a thought he hadn’t considered, and one he’d take care to contemplate, and study later. And there he was, getting distracted once more. He cast his mind to the task at hand, recalling word for word what he had written in the messages… [i]Greetings! If only this message could contain everything I want to say, but that isn’t possible, for surely that would mean it would be a novel! And than, who would read it? Let me instead get to the point: Bad things are going to happen. Will you do something about it? Or will you cower and hide? Come to Magnolia Plaza, and you may find a guild for you…[/i] There were times when Patrick thought the note was rather childish… and that many might consider it a joke, but many had heard and experienced Phoenix Wing’s poweress, so he was hoping curiosity would bring those he wanted here. [hr][hr] [@Krayzikk][@Plank Sinatra] [hider=psst] If you still need to be brought in ^.^, there you go[/hider] [hider=psst psst]So… a bit revealed there. Again, sorry for the length… but also not sorry[/hider]