[b][color=Green]Livau Fairi Miyaa[/color][/b] [i]Interactions: [@13org][@Apollosarcher] [/i] Fairi tried to ignore Erin's first little comment, already feeling self conscious. Of course her body was lithe and perfect for her lion taming career, but as far as appearances it wasn't anything that would make someone look twice. It didn't help she was incredibly short either. Stupid circus person genes. Erin continued to ramble on about frills and laces, Fairi honestly losing concentration. Her one biggest down side was how distracted she was. Her mind was always darting from one thing to another, never seeming able to keep a single train of thought for very long. It made her a bit out there, but it was also something many found charming and exciting, since they never could tell what she would be interested in next. Listening to Fia sputter, a light pink spread over Fairi's cheeks at her recent encounter. Did... did she sound that silly? No, she was probably much worse. Oh, how embarrassing! Erin found this comical, at least, for whatever reason. Fairi began to suspect the little summon was overthinking this. Auriel seemed nervous, making the green haired girl pout. Poor thing was really worried! [color=green]"Hm... Actually, Erin, maybe we should let those two go for a few minutes. Give them some time to talk it out, hm?"[/color] She said with her cheerful grin, holding out a hand to the little summon as she nodded towards Auriel and Fia. [color=green]"Just for a short bit? Maybe we could go outside? Oh, I haven't introduced you to my summon either! He's a bit of a grumpy pants, and I doubt his shoulders would fit in this hallway so I'd have to summon him outside anyway. You'd enjoy teasing him, wouldn't you?"[/color] Fairi had a feeling Erin was similar to her in that she needed a tantalizing reason to go anywhere. Plus, Erin seemed to be the type to enjoy teasing already antisocial people, so Beast would be a perfect distraction- er, time passer! Yes, she was selling the big cat out, but only for a little while...