[color=darkkhaki]"A lad of the arts and sciences,"[/color] murmured Giggles as his only response, hands and thoughts elsewhere. When he stood up from his crouch behind the door, he was a wraith in a hood. A trickle of blood marked the nostril of his smoke mask, and the Ophan cords covered his eyes with a hungry suction. It was good to be omniscient again. Giggles did nothing to stop Marco leaving the shop, watching him around the corner with his Ophan field. He nodded to Colin and lifted a firm finger to the Hound, then gestured to that he was free to the couch. The dog watched his blood-enemy tensely but with admirable patience. The captain was back. A warrior-figure from the bar was there. Marco was yelling. Giggles flicked the von Goethe's safety, and waited.