[@Crimmy] [b]"With strength."[/b] I repeated it numbly back to her. Of course, 'with strength'... And yet as someone who at least had a novice's understanding of strength training, as well as the implicitly superhumanizing nature of aura, I was still floored by the flat simplicity of that answer. What color was the sky? Blue. What did birds do? Sing. How do you even wield an I-Beam? With strength. [b]"Just strength, huh?"[/b] I fought to keep myself at more of a musing than muttering tone as I very carefully slipped a small gear onto an even smaller axle. [b]"No real rhyme or reason to it, just whack the thing hard until whatever's in front of you is flat enough?"[/b] And this was all pointedly ignoring the fact that I was pretty sure that I myself, who had the aforementioned experience with strength training and aura at my disposal, was wholly incapable of lifting one of those, much less making a usable bludgeon out of it. What in the heck [i]was[/i] the Mindaro family?