[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/217175409903534080/310907722625318914/cooltext243099446643387.png[/img][/center] --- [b]Time: Afternoon - Present Day Location: Berenice’s Nest - Carver (Outside Lost Haven)[/b] Charlene picked the meat from the bones of her fish, fingers sticky with grease. She ate every scrap. Waste not, want not. She tossed the last of the bones off the cliff side. Idly she brushed her hands down her shirt, getting rid of stray scraps and wiping her hands ‘clean’ picking up some grit of dust as she did. Her mind wandered as she stared at the wreckage of the cottage, Berry’s nest. Her tongue running along ridges of her teeth, fingers rubbing against the grit, lost in thought. It was a picturesque cliff side, [i]real[/i] sea breeze free of smog and exhaust. Noticeably now they were outside Lost Haven. Charlie felt like she was [i]way[/i] out of her depth dealing with Berry and now Salamander, this warlock or witch, whatever he considered himself. He knew a thing or two about alchemy sure, her green eyes scanned the treeline looking for him. He had left the cottage at Berry’s word, she spotted him leaning against a tree looking out over the field much like herself. Her grip tightened on her staff, glaring at him. Something wasn’t right. She hated she couldn’t put her finger on it. She checked the time on her old beat up cellphone, deciding now would be a good time to check in. She hoped she wouldn’t need to explain half of this to her mom, Jules. Tabbing through the phone book to Home, Charlie waited listening to the ring tones turning her back to Salamander. “[color=honeydew]Come on, Harry. Please pick up…[/color]” Finally a crackly, but thankfully bored voice of Charlie’s younger sister, Harry answered with a, “...Hello?” “[color=honeydew]Harry, my dear sweet sister-[/color]” “No, I won’t help you dumpster dive in the lower south side again. It wasn’t worth it to get the collectible Chinese new year gold coins. All we found were the bronze ones, anyways.” Harry said without missing a beat, her tone drier than a desert. Charlie was quick to defend herself, “[color=honeydew]We found two and bargained for a complete set. I was going to say, [i]sweet sibling[/i], I’m still out of town. Would appreciate if you could tell mom and gramps I’m okay.[/color]” “Why’re you gone for so long anyway? Did Carrie drag you out of the city again?” Harry asked, unseen twirling the cord of the phone. “Usually on these escapades you’re back to at least sleep.” Charlie began to walk to the cliff side, the noise of the waves carrying over the receiver, “[color=honeydew]Look kiddo, don’t tell mom alright? I’m in with weird shit she doesn’t care for, I barely understand it myself.[/color]” “Oh? What is it?” Harry’s voice perked up from bored to interested. “Gang stuff? Superhero stuff?” “[color=honeydew]Magic shit, like beyond even the weirdness that goes with Carrie.[/color]” “You’re okay right?” Harry asked tentatively. “Nobody’s holding a wand to your head right now?” Charlie laughed when her chuckles subsided she returned to a more serious tone, “[color=honeydew]No. Carrie and I found… something this morning when we were heading back home. We found a Siren at the park, accidentally. She was hanging out in a tree.[/color]” She flinched away the cellphone when Harry exclaimed, “[i]GET ME A FEATHER![/i] Please please, I can add it to my staff!” “[color=honeydew]Shhh! Shut up, Gramps will hear you![/color]” Lowering her voice Harry said, “[i]Pretty please.[/i]” “[color=honeydew]Fine, but keep your big mouth shut okay? I’ll be busy trying to help her out, there’s this sorcerer who knows the guy who made her, really dark, horrifying stuff. Won’t go into detail, spare you the nightmares I’m going to have.[/color]” She said rubbing her arm and closing her eyes. “[color=honeydew]I’m not saying this to worry you, but sound the alarm when I don’t check in alright? If something bad happens I’ll make sure to leave a trail to follow.[/color]” “You’re scaring me with this.” Harry said, quietly. “[color=honeydew]I’ll be fine, I’m just covering my bases. I’ll go into detail when I’m home, but I’m feeling like that won’t be today. I’ll call tonight to check in.[/color]” Charlie tried to reassure Harry. “[color=honeydew]For now I’ve got a weird wizard to talk to.[/color]” Harry took a deep breathe in, pushing away her worry. Trusting what she said. “Okay, love you. I’ll keep this on the down low from mom, might tell gramps. He might know a thing or two about Sirens.” Charlie sighed with relief, “[color=honeydew]Thanks! I’ll spill the beans when I’m back home, promise.[/color]” “You better. Talk to you later.” Charlie said a quick bye, then hit the end button storing her phone away into one of her many pockets. Stealing a glance at the cottage and then at the woods, she went for the woods trekking across the field. Stopping when she felt an involuntary chill run down her spine, the wind was warm and the afternoon sun shone. The chill raised goosebumps across the nape of her neck. Sharply she turned raising her staff defensively, seeing nothing behind her, she pivoted on the ball of her foot scanning left then right. She checked over her shoulder and Salamander left his spot, he hadn’t been shy about watching her. Something was watching her now, she felt something’s eyes roam over her now that she hadn’t been distracted. “[color=honeydew]Piss off, googly eyes. I can’t see you but I sure as shit can feel you watching me. This ain’t a show."[/color] she snarled, backing away toward the treeline then bolted the last few yards. The chill disappeared as her foot crossed the line. “[color=honeydew]Damnit…[/color]” She said under her breath, unsettled turning to check around through the forest she called out. “[color=honeydew]Yo! Salamander! We need to talk, pronto. I need to understand what’s going on, with Berry, with this necromancer asshole of yours. I’m here and I’m going to help [i]her[/i].[/color]” She pointed with her staff in the general direction of the cottage. She turned on the spot looking for him, “[color=honeydew]I’m not some worldly, well-read witch or sorceress, but I’m one of the best alchemists in Lost Haven, so talk to me Sally-man.[/color]”