[@The Harbinger of Ferocity] Perhaps the world will never be just. Perhaps hoping for universal rights and tolerance for everyone is a foolish notion that can never be attained. So What? What if we can make the world 50% more just, 10%. What if all I can hope to achieve in the world is to make life better for one person. I'll take it. Just for who? I'll look for people suffering from injustice and start at the top of the list. So what if there places in the world where people have it far worse than they do in the United States? In Africa they have forced genital mutilation, why are we wasting time on this whole woman's suffrage thing! It doesn't absolve us of the responsibility to act locally. We CAN have progress on multiple fronts, we must in fact. I don't live in Rwanda, or Chechnya or Iraq, I have to try to make what difference I can, where I can. I hope that the world can be made better, and I'll work at it. I'd kinda like to leave the place better than I found it.