[@NightinGem] Find another way is always my first reaction. I had to for my own personal challenges, it is not the end of the world. Regardless, I am not going to address each one of these individually with solutions because they are an appeal to emotion. You are asking me to compromise my beliefs on the ground of, "That's really sad, right?" You will find me an uncompromising, largely emotionless figure in that regard because I have seen my fair share of what I believe to be legitimate human suffering. I needn't say anything more than that. You can carry on with your anecdotes as you wish, but they are not exactly supporting your argument, which I say for the following reason. You have a perceptual bias by being involved in that community to see that information favorably, especially if first hand from your own life or second hand as a proxy. I am sorry, but your few experiences do not make up the majority of what everyone else has experienced in their life, to include those of us who have also suffered [i]other[/i] forms of discrimination. This is not some special unique story that only certain people are going to experience in life. The reality is, is that most never do or will and there's not time or room to give special concessions out to anyone and everyone. You get as much basic respect as anyone does. The people who discriminate against you or others are the outliers to the norm. If you want to trade stories about it, I will raise you one that I am currently supervised by a lesbian couple and the majority of my leaders as of recently are females who are non-white in a male dominated field of occupation. The end result? No one cares. But when we do care is when we sit through a four hour briefing on "diversity awareness" and are told how we are the ones wrong for assuming a man is a man or a woman is a woman. No, we are really not. And the best part about this story? Those two women aren't the first non-traditional orientations I have had interaction with. I've supervised them and had peers of them. The reason [i]no one[/i] had issue with them is because it never was brought up. It was when other people wanted to make it an issue did [i]everyone[/i] suffer. As for my approach, people should be allowed to hold bigoted opinions or views and voice them. The issue I take is when they cease talking and start acting on it. When they start forcing their paranoia that all transsexuals are secretly perverts and are trying to rape people, that's when I tell someone to go sit down and shut their mouth. When someone starts forcing me to memorize a lexicon of terms and procedures for interacting with less than five percent the population of the entire Earth - not caring that I myself have a social disability because this is their [i]personal[/i] expectation of me - then branding me a "homophobe" and "bigot", that's where they get the same speech too. I do not care [i]which[/i] side of the argument you are on. And an edit because of [@mdk]'s comment being particularly funny to me to. Yes, I too technically qualify for a wealth of oppression points despite being a Right leaning Centerist.