[@The Harbinger of Ferocity] If people are going to label you a bigot or homophobe because you legitimately cannot use the terminology, Jesus that's stupid, as long as you're not discriminating against them who tf cares? That's just plain stupid, it's not like you're calling a trans woman "he" just to be an asshole. And I can raise you non-anecdotal evidence as well, if we'd not like to trade stories. And mayhap I am more involved in the LGBT community than most, which does make me partial to our struggle. I guess for me the trials I've faced have made me more emotionally open than ever. I've been sexually assaulted, had my brother try to convince me I should kill myself and then taking matters into his own hands, been through varying foster homes who treated me as a paycheck, it's been fucking hard. I guess we kinda ended up on different sides of the spectrum, though. I'm not going to lie, part of my argument is--"but shouldn't you care?" No form of discrimination is right. If we change people's mind with empathy and facts [i]before[/i] they start drafting laws which oppress, [i]before[/i] people decide it's okay to assault someone for simply being who they are, then that might end up saving a lot of people from hatred and grief.