[@Xandrya][@PlatinumSkink] "Aye, I'll take a look at it when I get a chance lass" Grayson said as he plucked the tool from her hand and placed it back in his pocket "Let's get down and lend a hand ok?" "Understood" Stryker said to Lataniva "Well, if he seems stable mentally, cut the connection, then help him up to the med bay. If you fear something else could happen, put him to sleep and drag him to the med bay. If the doc has a problem with it, tell him I just want a scan to make sure there's no more of that explosive shit inside him. I gotta do my part in gettin' the ship back online..." [b]About a week later.....[/b] "Alright... where do I begin? Well, like any good story, at the beginning" The Revenant had been fully repaired, and after extensive testing of their systems, the crew was finally back en-route to their destination. Stryker had received a message this morning from the handlers at the Alliance requesting a status update on why the ship had gone dark, and so, he was returning their call while still within range of a transmission capable sat-relay. He spent a few minutes covering the trip to Minos Station before explaining what had happened to the ship. He spoke at length about everything that had gone down on the ship from the moment the explosion killed them dead in the water, all the way up to the second the engines fired up. He recapped their (hopefully temporary) losses. Aside from Matija knocking herself out and being put into an induced coma in order to save her from any long-term neurological damage, the crew had also nearly lost Benny to high-voltage shock from an exposed wire that came into contact with his prosthetic arm. Maxi had been able to re-start his heart, but despite his vitals reading strong, the resident explosives expert hadn't woken up yet. An overloading surge from the first attempt to resuscitate the ship had also knocked Ren and his avatars completely offline. The old machine hadn't quite fully rebooted yet, but Stryker wasn't going to mention the parasitic AI anyway. Next, he rolled through some quick updates on the rest of the crew. "Grayson and SAL really stepped up. They were really useful in organizing the repairs, and seem to get on well with the rest of the crew, Arex notwithstanding. Hope y'all don't have any rules against fraternization because there seems to be some sparks brewing between Grayson and Ms. Rosseau. They'll deny it of course, but I've caught a few glances being thrown around. SAL's worked tirelessly to salvage useful intel from the Federation Hunter Droid we captured. He's also re-purposed the remaining parts of the attack droids to create a body for an AI entity that's taken to calling itself Tobi. He assures me that it poses no danger to the crew thanks to some deft coding. Tobi's combat efficiency simulations are off the charts. I'm gonna be using him on this next mission to make up for the two missing crew members. I'm attaching the files to this transmission so you'll see what I mean. Arex has stabilized since the incident, doesn't seem to be any lasting damage from the explosion. Definitely doesn't seem to have done much for his personality at any rate. Everyone else is the same, business as usual. And since I have to report on everything, I guess I'll add in that the crew's opening up to one another, after all this time, it really seems like we've begun to work as a team. Alright, I'm done now. Fuck you Dawson" He ended the message and began to encode it for transmission. The ship was still a few days out from their destination, but even still, in light of the incident, Stryker hadn't had time to even explain to everyone else where they were heading. Maybe today would be the day to rectify that. An hour or so later, the message had been sent off and Stryker leisurely wandered down to the crew deck to begin preparing breakfast. It was late enough in the 'morning' now that everyone should be awake and getting ready to start the day, so he opened a line to the ship's PA system. "Hey everyone, been getting some questions since we left Minos about where we're headed that I haven't been able to answer. You all know how busy the last few days have been, but still, I know that question is probably on everyone's mind, so if you want it answered, here's the deal: join me for breakfast in about 20 minutes and I'll tell ya everything. Stryker out" [@BKburke][@Tickout][@Dark Light][@Turbowraith][@Banana][@Silver Carrot][@Azereiah][@Rultaos][@mackielars] [hider=OOC Notes] To everyone, this post is probably gonna read very weird, that's likely a product of me being a bit out of practice, plus the nature of recapping the efforts of our entire team and the events of the last week or so and having it make sense for the IC. In any case, if there are any questions at all, fire away! To Azereiah, mackielars, and Rultaos, for the simplicity of not having a bunch of totally silent characters just standing around, you'll notice direct references to your characters being in coma-states. Obviously, if and when you guys come back will be the moment you wake up, this is just meant to be a means to have those characters on the sidelines for the moment. Lastly, on moving forward: perhaps the simplest thing to do given the way I chose to end the post is to just do a round of recap posts- the events of the time we've skipped over from your character's perspective before heading on into, or meeting up with other characters en route to, the mission briefing, but obviously I'll leave it to each of your own personal discretion. Also, I won't be moving forward until we have at least one post from everybody, so get to it![/hider]