[@NightinGem] Historically the nuclear family is a tried and true construction that has served many civilizations throughout history and has been the backbone for many a society. Also what scientific evidence is there that a homosexual family is better for children? There is not enough evidence to prove that though there are certainly many, many studies that show single-parent homes to statistically be a lot worse off then two parent ones, so you really lost me on this supposed 'scientific evidence'. As for the federal funding part, if they could keep running with federal funding part I do agree that would be for the best; however, it is still a very bad idea for the state to try and tell a religious run organization to do something that conflicts with their deeply held religious beliefs. The easiest way out is of course to just split from the government but depending on the situation that may not be an option if the adoption agency is to survive and continue to do good work. Who would voluntarily do that? You underestimate the stupidity of humanity I am afraid...that said, that boy should never have been allowed to participate since his original biological gender gave him a clear advantage over the girls. It was like having a bunch of natural steriods pumped in that a natural born female would never have access to. Looked at that study and it literally states, "In summary response to question 1 (‘‘How representative and culturally, ethnically, and economically diverse were the gay/lesbian households in the published literature behind the APA Brief?’’), we see that in addition to relying primarily on small, non-representative, convenience samples, many studies do not include any minority individuals or families. Further, comparison studies on children of gay fathers are almost non-existent in the 2005 Brief. By their own reports, social researchers examining same-sex parenting have repeatedly selected small, non-representative, homogeneous samples of privileged lesbian mothers to represent all same-sex parents. This pattern across three decades of research raises significant questions regarding lack of representativeness and diversity in the same-sex parenting studies." Also hardly any of them had heterosexual nuclear family comparison groups so that is a problem as well. So that doesn't really tell me much of anything due to how they were done.