[center][h2][color=FE9A2E]Lucas | Gates of Distant Town - Truck[/color][/h2][/center] [color=FE9A2E]"Ugh, it's so hoooooooooooooooot!"[/color] Lucas had his feet up on the weal and the seat reclined, resting in agony from the heat. He hadn't gotten much of a chance to sleep thanks to the wonderful denizens of the town that kept trying to strip the truck for parts. One person had already tried to take it, thinking no one was around. At least now the corpse next to the door could serve as a deterrent. He'd left for only a few minutes earlier to drop Miles off at the doctor's and to sell his loot, but by the time he'd gotten back, the thief had already been trying to hotwire it. An armored truck like that was worth a lot to people in the wastes, especially one with the marks of Liberty. It could be used for smuggling goods into Liberty and for safe travel around the wasteland with a bit of gas. He took a glance outside to see if he could locate Miles through the window. [color=FE9A2E]"I should’ve left a note with the doc,"[/color] Lucas sighed.