Ursaren's blow staggered the Troll impressively, and scraped off the some the 'scales' of its rocky skin. But it did no more than that, causing it to grunt in surprise and annoyance. Two Rogs were dispatched by Argon, before the towering reptilian leaped savagely, and hacked at the Troll with his large sword. The blow wounded the beast, but the two larger members of the party heard Beren calling from behind them. The muscled monk had cupped his hands to his mouth as he called for them to retreat. The Troll seemed wounded and distracted at the moment, and the Rogs were wary to pursue without the Troll moving forward. This was their chance. Argon hissed in annoyance, but backed away a few steps, swatting his tail menacingly at any that looked confident enough to try and harry them. Meanwhile, Settionne's dagger did manage to penetrate the chainmail upon the Captain's neck, drawing blood that seeped and gurgled out of him. Still, the armored and powerful Rog shook mightily and sent Settionne flying back to hit the ground, (none too gently I might add) before it fell to its knees and vainly tried to stay alive. However, even cockroaches need air, and it finally fell onto its face. Dead. Beren the Monk's boots skidded across the street as he halted in front of the Skayleigh and the Priest of Fineki. He had a few nasty cuts along his forearms and shoulders, and his gi was tattered. He held his hand out for Sett to help him up. "Calanon is two streets away. We should head over to him. I think he's found a way out of here." Beren breathed. "Ack, I can heal many wounds but not all at once!" Geradin exclaimed to no one in particular. He hefted his warhammer and nodded for Alice to follow him, moving his stubby legs (which Alice could easily keep up with as he headed over to the others, bar Ursaren and Argon). The cloud that Mags had created looked to be thinning. They'd best hurry. "It's a dark day when a Dwarf runs of Rogs. Bastardly creatures." [@Fetzen][@The Fated Fallen][@BCTheEntity][@Banana][@Sypherkhode822]