[hider=Onna-Bushi]Character sheet: [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/covers/images/005/739/852/large/frag-ment-nobushi-eye-edit-10-04-wp.jpg?1493405560[/img] Name: Nakano Takeko Age: 19 Class: Monk Race: Human Reputation: Nakano, her family name, comes a long line of nobles that use to rule a distant archipelago kingdom. Secluded from most of the world, the Nakano's and their kingdom lived in stereotypical peace as the events outside of their world had little bearing on the outcome of their kingdom. The Nakano Kingdom was considered poor but humble for the most part, relying on the fishing as a primary source of economic stimulation. However, the kingdom had prided itself on a few gemstone mines that had managed to attract foreign traders from all over. It was these gemstone mines that kept the Nakano Family and its kingdom out of depravity, but the mines would also doom them unexpectedly. A different nation, one that had a particular proclivity for Fire, attacked and ended up usurping the Nakano's from their rightful kingdom. The result of the brief, unimpressive resistance of the Nakano Family result in their all but one of their deaths. The youngest daughter, Takeko, lived as she was smuggled out of the capital by a family friend shortly after the invasion had began. A mere runt at the age of eight, Takeko was taken to her last remaining relative, a distant uncle who was a hermit who lived in a mountaintop monastery. Life with her uncle proved to be a chore-filled bore for the first few years. Takeko's uncle claimed he was providing lessons, though Takeko hardly saw the valuable teachings in doing the man's laundry. To her uncle's credit, however, he did continue her lessons in reading and writing and eventually started to teach her more concrete examples of becoming a Monk. The Way of the Chi and the rest of her uncle's teachings were more focused on noncombatant aspects. It wasn't until she left her uncle, that Takeko decided to pursue a combatant role. It was always her uncle's wish for Takeko to move on with her life and find happiness elsewhere but throughout her life, Takeko just couldn't let go of losing her family. Adopting her family name, Nakano, she had always swore she'd seek out revenge despite her uncle's wishes and teachings not to. Still inexperienced at combat, however, she sought the path that pays her, leading her to Axis... Personality: Nakano has a bit of edge to her and many find her to be a bit cold and short. She doesn't have an outright anger, however, as her teachings had raised her to better suppress her outward emotions. She is a realist, not believing in optimism or pessimism. Nakano is the type that wants to do things herself and would hardly rely on others. This is more an aspect of her stubbornness rather than a distrust in others. Although a bit prickly, she has a soft spot for heroics, especially acts of charity to the less fortunate. Skills: [list] [*]Brewmaster: Capable of brewing teas and elixirs that perform a variety of effects. Although the effects of tea are less potent than potions and elixirs, teas are cost effective to make and easy to make in large quantities. Effects of a tea may be medicinal, invigorating, or other unique effects. Elixirs are essentially just potions but created through the means of steeping instead of alchemy. Time consuming and a bit more finicky to make, they provide strong and heavy effects, much like potions. [*]Chi-Channeling: A method of bringing inner focus to perform better feats of strength, speed, agility, and magic than normal. Years of training must be done in order to even find your Chi, much less use it. Nakano has already taken the first steps of her journey and is able to find her Chi but using it is difficult. Still young, it is expected that Nakano will have many years left until she is fully capable of harnessing her Chi. [*]Martial Arts: Although one would expect someone that is trained in martial arts to be good at combat, Nakano's teachings were more about channeling her Chi and neither about offense or defense. However, the particular maneuvers Nakano has been taught serve her well in evasive feats as she has better balance and flexibility than the average person. [/list] Belongings: [url]http://img13.deviantart.net/c2fb/i/2017/052/3/6/nobushi_by_raccoon56-dazv6tb.jpg[/url] [list][*]-Polearm: (As Pictured) [*]Tea Set: A sort of heirloom that has been passed down in her family [/list] [/hider]