[quote=@Penny] Religious activity is also up to a person. Couldn't not a homosexual just as easily declare religious observance to be wrong and demand that religious believers have less rights? Religious people may feel they have some sort of moral high ground on the matter but they don't get to morally legislate on the matter. Don't invite them to your private Jesus club if you like, but in the public sphere we should all enjoy the same rights and the same respect. I'm personally in favor of the free practice of religion and the free practice of your sexual identity. Crazy notions. [/quote] Don't know what kind of Jesus club you're talking about as Jesus wants to save everyone no matter who they are or what they've done. That being said he really wants people to choose him and wants them to stop self-destructive ways, but God did give free choice to man and that is something he will never take away. But I digress and many of you will obviously disagree with this sentiment... You go on about how they have less rights but the current example is adoption. Adoption is not a [i]right[/i], many people have to work very hard to be considered to have adoption privileges. I know a wonderful heterosexual couple who were denied being able to adopt children because of their religion, so why were the kids they could have taken in given to homosexual couples instead? Criteria must be met and maybe that homosexual couple meets all the right criteria except for their homosexual relationship, but if these adoption agencies can refuse to give a heterosexual couple a kid because of their religion why can't Catholic agencies do the same with homosexuals? Can't have this kind of double standard floating around.