Hello, hope I'm not too late to the party, or that my character sheet has any glaring errors. [hider=Cavalier] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Masako Imagawa [u][b]Magical Girl Title:[/b][/u] Charging Cavalier [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 17 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider] [img]http://img07.deviantart.net/6c45/i/2015/145/9/8/valkyrie_by_breakiel-d8uoy35.jpg[/img] [/hider] [u][b]Magical Girl Appearance:[/b][/u] Her outfit is the same as pictured above; resplendent white armour covering every inch of her, save for her face and the area around her skirt. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Masako is a bold and unabashed young woman. She has a penchant for acting flamboyantly whenever she pleases, and she is certainly pleased to act flamboyantly. In her opinion, a defender of justice ought to be a spectacle; they need to be seen and heard loudly and look damn good while doing so. Masako is prone to acting up in just short of any activity she engages in; in a fight, she’s going to want to finish her opponent with a graceful move, not a cheap trick. At school, she will write her essays in excessively purple prose and even make her mathematics assignment into a partial work of art. Few tasks are too small to be performed elegantly. Should one be able to get beyond her peacock-like strutting, one will find that Masako is a perfectly sociable person. While she loves to show off, she doesn’t like to do it at anyone’s expense. She will not insult or diminish anyone; in fact, she doesn’t even like to do so with an opponent, for they ought to be treated with honour, no matter the circumstances. In spite of her ostentatious displays, Masako is not so petty as to try and supress others around her and is often keen to encourage others to show off their own talents. She doesn’t wish to throw anyone to the shade, but she absolutely will have her place in the sun. Masako is also quite enamoured with French culture, and will often pepper her speech with gratuitous French words just to give herself some additional flair. If asked, Masako will claim she is indeed partially French, having inherited her flowing golden locks from her European heritage. However, this is in fact untrue; Masako has plain, gutter born American heritage to thank for her blonde hair, but is too ashamed to admit it, and while she doesn’t like to lie, this is the one lie she would like to maintain. [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] Masako had a fairly regimented upbringing; she wasn’t allowed to slack off and relax all day and instead was directed to self-improvement on a broad scale. While she is no physical specimen, she is well exercised and most assuredly fit. She is also a champion equestrian, having taken quite a liking to riding horses. She is also fluent in English and French, the former she was tutored in due to its uses, and the latter she learned on her own time simply because she wanted to. [u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] As a baseline, Masako gains a boost to her physical capabilities, though these are merely supplementary to her more versatile powers. [b]-Chantilly:[/b] Masako has the ability to call upon a white, magical horse for her to ride. The horse is blessed with exceptional speed and agility, being able to carry Masako around quickly and navigate around and over obstacles while allowing her to focus on attacking her enemy. The drawback to this ability is that the horse cannot go everywhere; any place that’s not built to allow a horse and rider to enter will be off limits. Masako took to calling the horse Chantilly after his pure white coat. [b]-Arsenal:[/b] This ability entails Masako being able to call upon copies of her signature spear (as depicted in her appearance) as need be. While the weapons are more than capable of use in close combat, Masako also tends to hurl them like javelins at her opponent. Additionally, when fighting from horseback, Masako uses her momentum to use her spear like a couched lance. [b]-Barrage:[/b] This one is related to Masako’s arsenal ability, but on a much grander scale. Masako essentially sends her power into overdrive, conjuring one spear after another, flinging them at a heightened speed. This is, naturally, one of her finishing moves. [b]-Sky Piercer:[/b] This one is simple yet powerful; Masako concentrates her magical power into one, single javelin toss, giving the resulting attack a great deal of force behind it as well as leaving a devastating sonic boom in its wake. This is, of course, her other finisher. [u][b]Weapon(s):[/b][/u] Masako’s spear is the only weapon she needs. [u][b]Brief History:[/b][/u] Masako is the child of a Zaibatsu family, and thus was naturally born to a great deal of wealth, but also the pressures of representing an important and respected group. This drove her not only to succeed, but to succeed with flair; to make herself stand out from the merely studious students and actually be something more. As a child, she also loved tales of romantic heroism; of heroes that not only saved the day but did so while being simply amazing. It was these two attitudes that culminated in her investment in the Magical Girl scene. To her, it was not simply the idea of them being heroes, but being heroes that acted with style and grace. It was everything she wanted to grow up to be. Masako’s chief idol among the modern Magical Girls was one called La Cuirassier; a French Magical Girl who had gained popularity both in France and abroad. La Cuirassier was everything Masako hoped to be, both heroic and graceful in equal amounts, but her greatest impact on Masako’s youth was her ethos; she was a heroine that stressed the importance of treating people with dignity and respect, for if a Magical Girl could not do so, then she lacked a hero’s greatest quality. Had Masako not idolized her so specifically, she might have grown up to be an exceedingly snobbish woman, solely concerned with making herself look good. Due to La Cuirassier’s influence, Masako tended towards encouraging others to do better rather than mocking them for achieving less. Eventually, she got her chance to become a Magical Girl in the same style as her idol… [u][b]Fairy Name:[/b][/u] Lutin [u][b]Fairy Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider] [img]http://pre10.deviantart.net/e91e/th/pre/i/2017/122/8/8/_bnha_oc__diamond_pixie_sketches_by_plantress-db7x1nd.png[/img] [/hider] [u][b]Fairy Personality:[/b][/u] Lutin is a fairly serious fairy, preferring to get the job done quickly and efficiently. That is why she is often less than pleased with Masako, who would rather find a way to skewer her opponent with a significantly graceful flourish than finish them off simply. Although she will greatly bemoan Masako’s flamboyant tendencies, she knows she can at least rely on her to get the job done eventually, if not at the speed she would rather move at. Lutin is not a completely unfriendly fairy, but she has little tolerance for tomfoolery, and will refuse to engage with anyone that tests her patience. [u][b]Theme Song:[/b][/u] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLjc17yLLVc]Valkyrie Profile: To the last Drop of my Blood[/url] [/hider]