[quote=@NightinGem] [@IceHeart] ...you're actually arguing that nuclear heterosexual families are the best environment for children. I'm guessing no amount of scientific evidence will convince you otherwise, but may I suggest if these religious organizations want to deny LGBT parents, they not take federal funding? And whether or not they believe the parents will be good for the child has nothing to do with whether or not they actually are. Also, the Texas wrestling championship was a transgender boy who was forced to participate in the women's division because his school wouldn't let him wrestle with the boys. And I'm fairly certain one would not go through transition simply to win a wrestling competition--why would someone voluntarily cause gender dysphoria to themselves, ever? Here's a [url=http://www.thelizlibrary.org/same-sex-1.pdf]study[/url] which combines 59 studies published by the APA, which provide rather conclusive evidence that homosexual parents are equilivant in parentage to heterosexuals. If you'd like to tell a gay person why you think they aren't as good a parent as a straight person would be, go ahead! I'm all ears. You can say I'm baiting, if you want, but I'd very much like to hear your reasoning. Also, tolerance of intolerance-how far are you willing to let that go? Should we not force any moral codes onto society? Was it bad to enforce nondiscrimination laws based on sex, race, religion? If not, then why is it bad to have them based on sexuality and gender? Where do you draw the line? [/quote] They tend to abuse their children and divorce much more than hetero couples for a start.