[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/cult-shaker-logo-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170617/0ca6c302f14ddfed12f336ccfb645cce.png[/img][/url][/center] Alph is mildly surprised by the sudden appearance of the horned male and as a species that has horns that symbolize maturity she briefly inspects his horns and while not to her standards is curious how in his own species they stack up. When he pushed the Clay Tablet to her she looks at it and a finger and its nail shift color and form as she reveals a bit about what she really is by using the tip of an ebony claw to make her mark with light strokes of it on the surface. Then as she picks up her drink and sniffs it with a smile she says [color=gold]Thank you[/color] and takes a sip savoring it as it's spicy warmth trickles it down her throat.