To quote myself [quote=@Dark Light] [hider=Ships] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][hr] [img][/img][hr] [img][/img][hr] [img][/img][hr] [img][/img][hr] [img][/img][hr] [img] [/img][hr] [img] [/img][hr] [img][/img][hr] [img][/img][hr] [img][/img][hr] [img][/img][hr] [img][/img] [hider=Notes] [url=,BR,0,0,d20-Unknown-Publisher-Future-Armada-Remora.pdf][*Notes*[/url]A product of the now-defunct Bishop Aerotech, Remora-18 is a Lamprey class boarding vessel originally designed to carry troops to an enemy ship during deep-space battles. The specialized support craft was built to withstand heavy fire while approaching its target, and then magnetically attach to the enemy hull. At this point, the breaching bore on the bottom of the Remora would burn through the hull and establish a seal – allowing the boarding party to enter and take control of the enemy vessel. A couple of the rookie members originally tried to paint Satanic designs and profanity on the hull but the gang leader had that removed when he realized it was warning off potential prey. Now the ship will often try to pose as an official inspection ship, or a vessel in distress, in order to get closer to possible victims. These craft saw limited use in the last war as they became a prime target while making their approach towards the enemy target. Slow and unmaneuverable compared to a starfighter, a loaded Lamprey was dangerous enough to draw fire from every fighter jockey in range. So, even with their strong armor, it was often considered a suicide mission to board one of these ships. Still, Remora-18 is developing a sinister reputation as the group is ruthless and brutal - enjoying the suffering of their victims as much as the monetary spoils of their endeavors. Sometimes two or three Lamprey would be sent in concert in the hopes that one could get through and deliver its troops as, when one did, the havoc wrought by a heavily armed and armored contingent of marines was considerable. The soldiers who successfully carried out these boarding actions became some of the most respected in the service. On all the interior maps, each square is equivalent to 5 ft (or 2m depending on your game). [/hider] [hr] [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][hr] [/hider] [/quote]