The party separated into their two rooms, the prisoners kept with Lex and Ulor, tossed in a heap on the floor. Despite it being around noontime, the exertion of the previous battle was enough to send everyone straight to slumber. No one heard when the mystic woman slipped out the doors, nor when the prisoners loosed their poorly-tied bonds and disappeared into the city streets. The evening approached, and the group awoke as the tavern began to increase in volume, the late supper crowd filling its tables. Meditations and prayers were had, spells were prepared, and the group set out on their way, feeling fully rested, if not a bit perturbed at their fewer numbers. Following Yvah and Ary through the streets, the group had an opportunity to explain the circumstances to their new party member in whatever detail they felt sufficient. They approached the address provided, but the doors were shut and the lights were low. Perhaps this was the wrong place? The cathedral loomed before them, seemingly nondescript on the outside without as much as a holy symbol on the door. As they stood in front of the building, quiet chantong could be heard from within, proving that it was not as empty as it first swemed.