[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][center][img]http://fireflyonlinewiki.com/w/images/b/b1/Newhope.png[/img] [i]Newhope[/i][/center][hr][hr] What little of the skeleton crew remained nodded and finished getting things together. Anisa had made sure it was clear that they were not going to be joining them after this and they would be leaving after getting paid later on that day. She knew it was a risk to let them go instead of just putting a bullet in their skulls but there were downsides to that action as well. She just hoped pay off was enough. Or at least enough to buy them time to get off world once a new ship had been purchased. That was another reason she wanted those that were not staying off the ship today. Best she didn't advertise the new ship once it was acquired. Anisa stood outside the ship, slowly puffing on a cigarette as she waited the buyer and half way keeping an eye out for Daphne. Everyone had seen the girl leave, she walked straight down the very dock that they had been standing on. A blind person would have been aware she had left. Though she wasn't going to deal with her when she returned. That was on Dorothy now and it would be the final judgement on whether the sisters stayed or left. Looking over towards Harper Anisa nodded. [color=f26522]"Yes, strip everything down you can. Let's get things cleaned up, I want a final scrub down of the surfaces as well once we get everything moved out. I don't even want a a cell of a skin sample left behind. Might want to talk to Foy Jr. about that,"[/color] she said, referring to Jahosafat. Taking a breath she flicked the end of her cigarette, letting the ash fall to the ground. [color=f26522]"And see what files you can back up. There were some on the ship that had a file or two, I want to be able to take a closer look at those. Not yours, just wipe that. Put them on a private tablet we can destroy once I am finished reviewing them if you could,"[/color] she added. Atticus smiled over towards Foy and shook his head a bit. [color=fff79a]"I mean it as the highest compliment. A man that can bring a smile to anyone's face despite everything that has been going down lately. Well it's a blessing, so don't scowl so much. It ruffles your hair out of place,"[/color] he said before glancing over towards Dorothy as she came in. [color=fff79a]"Well hey girl needing a new copy of the Giddeon bible?"[/color] he teased. Jahosafat stood off in a corner as he watched Harper going through Camilla's things. It didn't sit right with him but he hadn't said anything as of yet. Following him as he left the room he stepped out onto the dock after a few minutes and looked over towards Anisa. [color=gray]"I dare say dear woman, would it be within your reason of permission to allow me access to my dearly departed Camilla's possessions? There are a few personal items of hers I would hate to see destroyed and perhaps one or two to send back to her family. They deserve to know even if they were on the outs,"[/color] he said as he ran his finger along the brim of his hat. Anisa cocked a brow and let out a huff. [color=f26522]"Yeah go aheads but be quick about it and let Harper be the one to send anything or transmissions."[/color]