There we go, a face some of you from the previous AU might recognise. As a few details aren't pinned yet with a couple of people things are a little loose rn, but, Hel. [hider=Hel][img] [/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] [NO DATA] [b] Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] Hel, Little Hel, Kid, The Antichrist, Red Queen Project. [b] Age:[/b] 7 [b] Gender:[/b] Female [b] Gift:[/b] [NO DATA] [b]Loyalty:[/b] None. [b]Description:[/b] Hel resembles a small, short-set girl of eight years of age. She is a little underweight for her age and height, and has long, untidy, bright ginger hair.. Her eyes have vivid berry-red irises. Her skin is naturally on the pale side. There is notable surgical scarring, on her forehead, face, neck and shoulder. [b] Personality:[/b] Hel is a creature very much influenced by her environment. She is perpetually serious, to the point of being rather morbid, and seems to have an extremely casual attitude towards death and killing. Unusually quiet and focused for a child of her age, she is usually quite self-contained, and does not talk more than she needs to. Hel is quite a schemer, and seems to have some kind of greater plan in mind. She feels it's her job to 'fix' people. Her methods though, are brutal. Despite this, Hel is still a child. She has a childish understanding of the world around her, childish lack of skills, and childish fear. [b] Skills:[/b] -Hel seems very intelligent considering her age, and appears to be able to formulate comparatively complex plans and tactics. [b] Weaknesses:[/b] Hel is a child, and has both the size disadvantage that comes with it, and something of a childish mindset. While she is clever she has quite black and white reasoning, and can easily be diverted or distracted. [b]Brief History:[/b] The result of the well-funded, but not very widely publicised 'Red Queen' project, Hel was sent into her first mission, accompanied by an Erubescan knight 'handler'to ensure that things went to plan. Unfortunately, said handler met an untimely death shortly after the dispatch, and the young subject was left without direction or supervision in the wastes, and with very little int he way out outlet for her destructive programming. (This is rather intentionally vague! :D) Other: [/hider]