[center][h2][color=00aeef]Klaus[/color][/h2][/center] Klaus was silent, listening and taking note of the conversation between her captain and the giant noble. [i]So, we will have to assist the borders while having those villagers on our back. How troublesome...[/i] She personally doesn't like that noble, first from his height and his way of tone. And judging by how that noble put his words, those villagers can't be even used as decoys, they will be extra baggage that must be delivered. She gave a cynical look towards that gigantic noble, as she felt that the worst jobs seems to be often tasked on their Knight order. She personally doesn't like too much politics of that side, its often those that ruin a proper warfare. [i]Being successful in this side without much bloodshed, will require more than conventional means...[/i]