[hider=My Hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/98/44/92/984492c123c672b6c3c7a78f80b2d32c.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Adael [b]Age:[/b] Looks to be late 20s, early 30s. (Never bothered to keep track, easily over 600) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Fallen Angel [b]Personality:[/b] A fun loving trickster who enjoys the work he does. Never one to lose his cool, always gives the feeling of being in control. Is always polite in his speech and talks in half truths and sweet words meant to manipulate others. Has a carefree air that betrays his very calculating mind. The best part of his job is watching how mortals react once they realize they've caused their own fall. Its during this moment that he cranks his villainous persona up to 11 to further mock and push the victims down. When off the clock he's actually a pleasant and nice guy. Believes that people should keep their work life and personal life separate, and you can't judge people poorly for doing their job. [b]Plot Summary of Original content:[/b] Ashen Wings A fine blend of urban fantasy, intrigue, action, and mystery written by the budding new author, Lance-Frame. Jessica Shiroe is a half American and half Japanese raised in America until shortly after her 19th birthday. She decided to move back home after inherited a sizable estate from her grandparents. Unfortunately once she arrives she finds that the crime rate has skyrocketed within the last few months. All the caught criminals claim the same thing, a man with black wings tricked them. Not only that, but it seems her now diseased grandparents had gotten wrapped up in this and might have brought trouble to her. [b]Backstory:[/b] Adael used to be a judge for heaven's gates. One of many in fact. It was his job to judge the deceased and either let them through the pearly gates or condemn them to the appropriate level of hell. Despite having to blind himself (like all angelic judges, because justice is blind and all that) he enjoyed his job. He had enough work to keep himself busy and heaven offered enough assistance to prevent his blindness from being too much of an issue. One mistake, one little mistake where he sent someone to the wrong layer of hell, was all that needed to happen to cost him his job. He might have been able to find another job if he left gracefully, but since he didn't....well he fell. Fell pretty hard too. Fortunately for something, he came across Nebruulik a few centuries after wandering the human plane, bored out of his mind. With nothing better to do, he agreed to a pact with it and was granted a mindless abomination as a minion that would act as his eyes and tools of the trade. With a new purpose and free of any constraints he roams around the human world looking for places to plant the seeds of chaos. He doesn't do this with any good or ill intent, this is actually an important job. Without chaos, their would be no freedom or excitement in the universe. Finally, another job he can fully dive into and enjoy to his fullest. [b]Weapons, Powers & Abilities:[/b] Staff of Nebruulik: A solid black staff with little decoration. Only decorated with the variably numbered sideways eyes that is used to see the world for Adael. Is capable of changing its shape to perform various functions, such as cleaning, cutting, etc. Being a tool of eldritch origins, its shape shifting is fittingly full of tentacles, teeth, and eyes. Doesn't offer a lot of offense or defense, but specializes in utility. Changing shape isn't instant and takes a few seconds, with larger and more complex forms taking more time than smaller ones. The staff is organic and can be injured, it recovers very quickly and regrows missing bits in a matter of hours. Staff's Forms: Blade Whip: One of the halfs becomes a flexible, razor sharp blade. Its length is variable, but the longer it becomes the harder it is to control. Octoblades: The staff turns into the hilt of a sword with the blade being 8 flexible Blade Whips with the center of it being a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. (basically an octopus made of blades with a sword handle for a head). Higher tier of Blade Whip. Hammerhead: A heavy cylinder forms on one of the staff's ends and acts like a sledgehammer, the staff part becomes more flexible allowing for heavier blows. Extendospear: One of the staff ends sharpens into a wicked point and the staff itself can extend incredibly fast and with a lot of force. Good for a quick and sudden attack. Shield: The staff becomes a sturdy shield capable of blocking low caliber gunfire. Bladed Chain: The staff turns into a long length of chain with various knives attached to the links. Meat Grinder: The staff becomes a horrific mass of teeth, tentacles, and blades. Is the largest form with the highest offensive ability. Turns slowly. Convenience: Can turn into numerous cleaning tools and other house hold conveniences. Syringe: Turns into an over sized syringe. Poison/Medicine/Liquid not included. Flexible: The staff can flex and bend however he desires. Emotional Aura Sight: Thanks to the Staff's eyes, Adael can see the emotions of others as colored auras. Soul Candle: An ability he kept from when he was a judge. Allows him to make a candle in the shape of a person's soul. The color and form of the wax along with the heat and color of the flame helps to determine their soul's "purity". Purity being used to describe how much a person has sinned. Since being fired from his job as a judge, this ability is little more than a hobby. Flight: He has 3 pairs of black wings he can use to fly. He can dismiss the wings to look more human, but his shadow always has the wings. [b]Author:[/b] Lance-Frame [b]Real Name:[/b] Madoka Furuya [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [/hider]