Donovan accepted the tray, and gave a nod of thanks to Massachusetts. He turned back to the server, chuckling as he spoke, "In that case, I'll take the chicken," Donovan continued down the line, placing some carrots, and a small cup of apple crisp on the tray. He sat down at the nearest table with the group, placing his helmet on the seat beside him. The others quickly joined Donovan at the table, with Massachusetts next to him, and Montana across. He immediately dug into the food, quickly eating through the carrots, and then starting on the chicken wrap. He only looked up when he finished the meal in front of him. He saw that Massachusetts had taken off her helmet. Donovan grinned inwardly. [i]"She is a pretty one,"[/i] he thought, but Donovan quickly shook the idea from his head. She was a comrade in arms, not a girl at the bar. He turned his mind back to the question she had posed. "I'm a former marine, Sergeant First Class. I had a lot of experience, and apparently, whoever was in charge of recruiting us liked what they saw, so I was recruited."