[b]"You will be taken to a classroom,"[/b] the guard growled, [b]"to be educated."[/b] The phantasmic man escorted Arin from the cell, down the hall and passed the locked yellow door of the Irish general, and walked for another couple of minutes until they came to a greenish door on the same wall of the curved hallway. The guard opened the door and gestured with manufactured grandiosity for the man to enter. Inside was another man, frightened and nervous, sitting at one of the many student's desks. At the front of the room was, as one might expect, a wall-sized dry-erase board. Once Arin was inside, the guard shut and locked the door. Kim's door unlocked and opened, and the guard from Carolina entered. He left the door ajar again, anxiously glancing out. He then removed his mask to reveal a grotesquely scorched face that had perhaps once been handsome. Aside from his bright blue eyes, his deformed face was unrecognizable. "My name is Isaac. Do you want to escape?"