[@Metal Tortoise] [i]Ah, the number one way to deal with wizards. Smack away their staves and hands, and by proxy their spells. A tried and true technique, no doubt about it. It didn't work on Tom like Steer had expected, though. Steer succeeded in smacking away the retreating Tom's hand, but the spell didn't follow. Instead the white ball of light remained where it had materialized, Tom freezing the spell in place between them so that Steer's momentum would carry his sizable mass into it as he gave close chase. The effect of this spell was simple but diabolical. Steer had to narrate every thing he did before he did it, in a booming voice that appealed to the audience. He'd be given the instinctive knowledge that he had to do this. If this forced Steer to pause and declare how he'd continue to approach and attack Tom, then a split second later Tom, who had bumped into the edge of the stable, finally let loose with all he had. He chambered his elbows and began spawning spells from his fingers at Steer, dual shooting from the hips. He could talk at least two and a half times faster than Steer..[/i] [color=f7976a]"Dirtlingusshoutloudiunudesweetabareassumssacechangiumlaughardiculum!"[/color]