[quote=deadlyfairy13] THis would be the like fifth time I get sick this season. The only thing is my symptoms just jumped on me last night and have been holding me hostage since. My body aches, chills, my nose a tiny bit and my throut. I heard that my state in the US is pretty much tormented by the flu alot this year. They even said that the h1n1 is running rampant here. I heard that they have similar symptoms but idk. So scary. I hate how I only got sick once a year when I was in highschool and now I get sick year round like im a walking flu bug. I really want to get better but I really think its cuz my job of handling money. I know germs are always on money but I do wash my hands alot. Idk but now I know what my friend goes through when he is always sick...only thing is im the one getting sick lately. Anywho Im ranting. Post about this topic if you want or just ignore it. Im just grumpy and have to chug some orange juice. [/quote] But ur thred tytol ask queshten & u no tlk bout et