Robert looked at Maddie silently almost as if he was trying to figure something out about her, something that he wanted to know but couldn't figure out the answer to. He didn't like her proposal given the situation he was facing, knowing that somewhere on this island there was someone he needed to find and that they were in more danger then they knew. But what were his real choices at this point? He had already absolved himself to not being able to abandon them, and even if he couldn't trust them he had to work with them because if there was one thing that he knew for sure it was that JC was not a part of it. That kid was an innocent bystander in the middle of something he did not understand and to leave him to possible harm if not death was something he could not bare to be responsible for. This whole situation was bad, and even worse there was no telling who it was going to be that tried to turn on him in the end. Damn them corporate bastards, even from miles away they still controlled this game and there was nothing he could do to get ahead of it. [b][color=tan]"Fine I can accept that so long as you don't put the lives of those scientists above what I am here for, I know its not important to you an not knowing what it is makes it even harder. But there is more then one life at stake here for me, its important that I find what I am looking for an I have to do it before its too late. For now we will follow the set path I layed out before we left, it is the best chance at finding the missing scientists. We have one confirmed dead at this point, and another possibly somewhere around this area, considering what just happened I am not counting on that one being alive either at this point. Its too dangerous to go searching in this area right now so if there is no objections we should proceed to the base camp down the trail."[/color][/b] Robert looked up when he heard JC's voice from down the road he was pointing at something Robert looked up into the sky as he and Maddie both spotted the black smoke in the sky. Robert reached into his jacket pocket and removed a set of small binoculars and raised them to his eye's as he viewed the smoke. That was coming from in the direction of the base camp and it had not been there before, he had caught wind of a burning odor faint as it was but this definitely confirmed it. [b][color=tan]"Doesn't take an expert to tell you that natural fires on an island like this are not natural occurrences if at all, which means someone set this fire, that or something electrical started it. Its coming from the direction of the last know encampment of the scientists so we need to get over there. However I am warning you to not walk blindly when we get there, there is more going on here then I originally thought, something or someone has thrown off the balance of this island, animals that have very strict territories are finding themselves where they are not usually known to frequent. This is worrying because we won't be able to avoid the bigger predators if we don't know where they are, so stay alert."[/color][/b] Robert replaced the binoculars back in his jacket pocket and shouldered his rifle he made his way back to the vehicle where EJ was glaring at JC who was now looking like he was ashamed of something. Robert did not want to know what they had been talking about while him and Maddie were down the road, but at this point it didn't matter, opening the drivers side door he motioned for EJ to move over, he complied but the look he gave Robert said that there was something he wanted to say but was opting not to say it at this point. Robert started the car as Maddie returned and speed off down the trail, the ride was short as they were not too far from the camp to begin with but the obvious tension was mounted and ready to shoot off at any moment so when they arrived into a medium sized clearing Robert was relieved but that was very short lived when he saw the devastation left in their wake. Robert slowly climbed out of the car and looked around, the entire camp was in chaos, tents and mobile stations were completely destroyed and trampled, the entire area was filled with large footprints that cut deep into the dried mud. Scattered cloths, papers, broken equipment, it was everywhere like a bomb had been set off in the area. The only real thing this scene lacks was the scientists or theirs bodies thereof. [b][color=brown]"Jesus what the hell happened here...?"[/color][/b] EJ spoke more to himself as he found himself looking around the area, he too got out of the car trying to no doubt piece together the string of events which could have lead to this kind of devastation. This was not normal, this looked like a damn stampede, the question was what caused it? Off in the distance a small stones throw away there was an overturned trailer and alas the source of the smoke as it billowed out of the broken windows. Robert pulled the tranquilizer rifle and handed it over to Maddie as he pulled the Nitro and took it into his own hands. It was sudden though when an loud and bone chilling roar echoed across the jungle somewhere and hit their ears. Robert turned quickly in the the direction of the roar expecting to see what had caused it but knowing it was quite far off from their position. [b][color=tan]"We have to move... now. That was not close enough to warrant any real threat but I would rather not stay out in the open here any longer then I have to. EJ stay in the car with JC and make sure he does not leave it, Maddie with me, keep your eyes and ears open and if you see or hear any kind of impact tremor then we need to leave immediately no questions asked. There will not be any other warning before you see something you don't want to see."[/color][/b] Robert moved expecting his orders to be followed, there was no question that he was now extremely tense, that roar belonged to the very last animal on this whole island he wanted to see in person. Keeping his rifle trained ahead of him he looked left and ride periodically, the area was a hum with insect and bird activity which was a fairly good sign that they were a bit safer but after the incident with the dead scientist he was not taking anymore chances. Robert approached the trailer from the front quietly, the doors were all inaccessible but the front windshield was smashed providing a way in at least. Whatever did this was very big and very pissed, animal attacks were usually not as violent as people made them out to be. Usually they were concentrated on whatever was agitating the animal but from the degree of tracks on the ground and the various sides and the trampled areas this was more then just one animal and it seemed that the entire camp was the target. If he didn't know any better then he would say that whatever animals did this were looking for something, that or they found it, either way it only made their job here that much harder. [b][color=tan]"Hello is anyone in there?"[/color][/b] Robert made the call into the trailer and waited for a response, that trailer was big enough to house medium size predators and he was not intent on hopping in there regardless until he heard otherwise.