The Doctor knew what it was like to go through what she did. He only wished he could have done more for her, but getting her safely off her dying planet was the best he could do. He knew given time the emotional pain would get a bit easier to deal with. He was standing by the console as he flicked various controls. He was silent for awhile. He didn't know what to say to her. Plus he was focused on getting them safely off the planet. What could he say to her though. He was thinking for a bit. Once they were in space the Doctor looked around at the young woman, He was smiling. "This is the TARDIS, it can travel anywhere in time and space." He was looking at her. He hoped he could give her a chance at a new life. Hoping that would help to heal her pain. He knew he couldn't change what happened, he could only be there for her now. He knew if it was in his power to change what had happened, he would have done it in a heartbeat. He was leaning on the console. For now he took them to Cardiff as the TARDIS needed to refuel. Though he was sure that she would have never seen earth anyway. He also had a feeling something would happen on earth today that would be interesting. "Welcome to earth," He replied, He was always drawn to earth, he felt like it was his job to protect it as well. He was smiling.