Joe: true. I mean, it takes a special kind of stupid to do half the shit she has. *shrugs* maybe if you made it bad enough shed have to listen. *shakes head* dumbass bitch. Yiu cant get drunk around him. Randa: that's why I want to know. I know he is. Cain: *goes to where she picked with their food* They're going to have fun. Miles: but they hurt you Alex: *let's himself be pulled* Yeah I do. Ita nuts Ryan: *smiles a bit and kisses him* Randa: I think you are many things, and yes adorable is one of them. Dahlia: *nods and laughs* probably for the best. I've heard stories about drunk Logan. Some I did not want to hear. Billie: don't worry, you know me just as well. *laughs a little and nods* well of course. *nods a little* *goes to speak but stops herself* I just almost said something Alex grade corny. Ez: *puts her hands on his face and kisses him* don't worry about it babe. We all have moments like that. You wont wver have to worry about it again, I promise. Im going too.