*claps hands together* Influx of forms, aight. Let's see here... [@Rin]: Franky is fine, though just for the sake of posterity I'm gonna point to "weekly posts unless prior notice" again. No harm, no foul, though. [@Grey Star]: I recall that last iteration of the RP, I had declined a Nobu because Anti-divinity/anti-mystery was a really, [i]really[/i] dangerous thing to be fiddling with. With a smaller cast size (and one that I actually have some leeway over), I'm probably going to be able to give her ago with... Tweaking? As the form stands, there's too much information left unknown because it's lifted off the wiki. I'm gonna need you to put in some clarifying things just to make sure I don't overlook stuff. 1. Tenka Fubu. Is it an all around anti-divinity/mystery thing? Both in terms of taking and dealing damage, I mean. There's an important distinction to make. I'd also need a more concrete idea of how it affects their damage output... Mainly because time travel. And that means lots of enemies with those traits in question. 2. Dairokuten Maou's internal limitations (activation prereqs, ability to maintain it, any possible effect on Nobu if any) need to be expounded upon. This is like the second (well, third if we count Rain's rewrite) Reality Marble, and while I think having half the cast an RM is kinda... Dangerous, if I'm going to let it slide, I'm going to make sure each one is a super trump card that you can't chuck out willy nilly. Adding to that, I ranked down Ozy's NP ranking to compensate for nerfing his RM, so I'd recommend the same here (not like it really matters, but hey, posterity). 3. The usability of her flintlocks. Like, I know she has her sword, but as an Archer, I expect her to be using her rifles more than not... Which leads me to asking how she'll be fighting. Are you going full Mami and the "fire-and-forget" thing? Can the weapons be used by Masters/Servants/etc; other than her? Does she even create more on the fly (I assume she does)? If more comes up, I'll say as such, but otherwise... That first. [@Raineh Daze]: Okay, let's see here... Well, I don't mind you rewriting Aestus Domus Aurea as an RM, but as before, Imperial Privilege is dangerous. Luckily, we've discussed the limitations on what you're using it for, so as long as those guidelines are stuck to, I think Nero should be fine. I'll probably let you know if other things pop up, but otherwise... Yeah. And in any case, [@KoL], yeah, I kinda wanna see that dynamic fleshed out a bit more. So that's one pair down. Also, if [@Riegal] is [i]actually[/i] poof, then literally every character save mine are female. :thinking: