[center][h2][color=chocolate]Connor Bayer - Mountains[/color][/h2][@Solace][@Ambra][@Aquanthe][@FrostedCaramel][@LordVoldemort][@Wolverbells][/center][hr] As the Cadets made their way to the end of their journey, Connor was filled with the most wonderful relief. Thankfully, they had all made it in one piece and even met up with the other group of cadets. As everyone got situated, the tension and danger that everyone felt from the blizzard-riddled hike seemed to dissipate, giving way to a more lighthearted attitude. The attitude only seemed to increase when Gabriel declared the commencement of a snowball fight, and proceeding to pelt Tanner in the head. Chaos quickly ensued as the other Cadets armed themselves with frozen ammo. Connor, weary of the frosty projectiles, ducked behind a tree, seeking cover from the snowballs that began to fly every which why. Gabriel nailed people with his cannon-like throws, Olivia threw snowballs that didn't seemed to phase Gabriel, and Reese and Tanner kept getting hit. Connor peaked his head out of from behind his cover, but the impact of a snowball on the tree sent him back into hiding. He knelt down and made himself a snowball, then peaked out again to select his target. He noticed Olivia incessantly aiming towards Gabriel, as did others. He decided he'd offer the big guy a helping hand. Olivia was the closest Cadet to his tree, so he jumped from behind it, breaking into a sprint. He dropped his snowball and scooped up as much snow as he could into his arms, proceeding to throw it all towards Olivia's head. He then ran to stand beside Gabriel, quickly making another snowball. [color=Chocolate]"I'm with you, buddy!"[/color] He said, taking a defensive stance as though the other cadets held cannons and swords, and not snowballs.