[center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmVmMTIwYi5XbUZqYUdGeWVTQlhZV3RsLjAA/burn-out-fade-away.regular.png[/img] Collab with [@Universorum] [/center] Zachary arrived at the Staples Center as early as he did any other arena, then immediately went to work approaching the writer’s office to find Kevin, the head of creative. There were a couple of ideas floating around in his mind that he wanted to bring up. Zack was always a fan of the Staples Center. Any time he had a big match, it was here. And the last time he was in the arena was in his AWE championship match against Drayden a few months back. It was an insane brawl, where both men really showed their strengths and covered up each other’s weaknesses, and really got the crowd involved. There was back and forth, cheating and consequences for that rule breaking, and an incredible finish. It had it all. Unfortunately, Zachary wasn’t on the card tonight, but he knew the crowd would enjoy the main event. Sexton Love, as silly a gimmick as it was, worked perfectly for a heel, and Thunderbird was an unbreakable face. Zack walked past the locker rooms where those two were undoubtedly preparing for their match, and into the more office-y area of the building. A knock on the door to Kevin’s office snapped him out of his creative daydreaming, and Wake entered the room.[color=ff0000]“Kevin, my man. How’s it going?”[/color] Kevin had indeed been working on storylines and daydreaming. It was his favorite time of the day, sans for the few hours a night he spent with his fiancée; they were both busy people, so it was hard to get more than that little amount of time together a day. Whenever there was a knock on the door from talent though, Kevin snapped back to reality — they were always allowed to talk to him. He liked to think they truly appreciated it, as it hadn’t always been that way. Before he became the head of creative, it had been hard for the wrestlers to get a word in edgewise with what they were doing. If you weren’t at the top of the card, you may as well have not existed. With Kevin and his team at the helm though, things had changed. People had a way to get their opinion in and to use their own ideas, which made them happier. Sure, sometimes the ideas… kinda sucked, and they needed some fine tuning, but happy people worked way better. When he saw Zachary Wake standing there, Kevin brightened up — Wake owned, and was one of the top heels of the company; with the help of the booking lads, as Kevin’s group liked to call themselves, and Kevin loved to talk to him. [color=408c0b][b]“Hey, Zachary. What’s up, dude?”[/b][/color] [color=ff0000]“Well, I was just thinking about some bits and pieces, and wanted to know your thoughts on them.”[/color] Wake walked over to the desk, and took a seat so he was sitting across from Kevin.[color=ff0000] “I know you’re doing big things with Caiden, especially after our match last week, but I was thinking. Next week, you should let me open the show. I’m the one who took out the crowd’s fan favourite in the first round. It would be a great way to get some proper heat on me and to progress Caiden’s story.”[/color] Zack had matches with Caiden every now and then, but last week’s was the first where there were big consequences afterwards. They were usually just to progress other rivalries going on or the two were participants in a multi-man match. Zack wanted to know where the story between the two were going. [color=408c0b][b]“Uh, well let’s see… Next show was mostly of Gary’s design, we like to pass the torch back and forth on a week-to-week. If I remember correctly, we have you penciled in middle of the show up against Thunderbird. We gotta keep that tournament rolling. Honestly? The tournament is just us making the best of a bad situation — it really threw everything out of alignment for the next… well, year almost. But hey, we’re professionals, so we’re working with what we got, y’know? I know what you’re gonna ask: when do I get to work with Caiden more? The answer is gonna disappoint you, sorry to say. Not for a while, as it stands. I want to keep you guys away from each other until the time is right and the light can shine on that feud, like it deserves. That being said, at the next PPV, you’re in a tag match.”[/b][/color] Kevin was a fast talker, and spat all that out in about seven seconds. Just in case, he added at the end. [color=408c0b][b]“Does that make sense?”[/b][/color] [color=ff0000]“Uh… Most of it, yeah. I guess it would make sense to cut my promo before or after my match with Thunderbird then. If you’re alright with it, of course. Anyway, Winters. Our rivalry is gonna be held off for a bit. Hey, if it means a more meaningful storyline, I’m all for it.”[/color] In all honesty, Wake really enjoyed working with Winters. The two had a special kind of synergy most guys didn’t. Neither carries the entire match on their shoulders, they both shared the load, and they complimented each other’s styles incredibly well. [color=ff0000]“But, a tag match at the next show? Who’s the other participants?”[/color] Having a tag team match at the PPV meant he was most likely putting someone over. Not that it was a problem, but it seemed a bit sporadic. At least Zack was good at working a tag match. After all, he was tag champ WAY back in the day. [color=408c0b][b]“It’s gonna be you and Kidd Neon against Razorblade and Owen Sparks. We’re really wanting to rebuild the tag division. The titles have been retired for too long, frankly. So, I figured you’d be happy to help, since you’re a solid tag wrestler. As for the promo, by the way, you can cut it as you come down to the ring, if you’d like.”[/b][/color] Kevin paused for a moment, thinking to himself. [color=408c0b][b]“Owen and Razorblade going over, but you get to beat the shit out of Neon after the match. I know that’s gotta be a bit of a bonus, yeah?”[/b][/color] Zachary chuckled at the idea. It had been too long since he had the ability to do that, and he was happy to be able to do it again. It was how the team of him and Senji Veryhurt came to an end, after all. [color=ff0000]“Oh it’s a bonus, alright.[/color] Zack then regained composure, turning his large grin back into a regular smile. [color=ff0000]“Hey, I’m happy with that. I can definitely see those two going places. As much as I like the kid, Owen doesn’t really have what it takes to carry a singles championship. Not until he gains a few kilos, anyway.[/color]” And there was also Razorblade. Zachary didn’t really know much about him, but judging from his match with Clayton the week prior, he assumed he was almost identical in style. [color=ff0000]“They sound like a good team though. Should allow the two to really make an impact.”[/color] [color=408c0b][b]“I sure fucking hope so. The plan is to let them carry the division until we can sign some big heavy hitting tag teams from other companies to help us build the division — homegrown talent is great, but when you’re getting a whole division rolling, with a roster of people who are all established singles wrestlers… it’s a pain in the ass. We’re throwing together two lower card wrestlers and hoping they can make magic happen…”[/b][/color] Kevin shook his head. They were crazy, weren’t they? [color=408c0b][b]“If they can, we’re gonna follow through with it and get this tag division rolling. Did you have anything else you’d like to talk about?”[/b][/color] Zack was happy to hear his student was going to succeed. He’d been training the kid for a little while now, and it was starting to become more evident in Owen’s more recent matches. [color=ff0000]“I don’t think so. Thanks for the time, Kevin. I’m looking forward to whatever you come up with next.”[/color] Wake stood up out of his chair, and held his hand out for a handshake. Kevin was happy to accept the handshake, giving Zack a nod. [color=408c0b][b]“Hey, anytime man. Can you do me a favor? Next week, if you can catch Owen and Razorblade, maybe run them through some basics of tag team wrestling? You’re pretty damn good at it, so it might help them.”[/b][/color] [color=ff0000]“Yeah, sure. I’ve got a training session with Owen later on this week, so maybe I can see if Razorblade’s available and run the two through the basics. Alright, catch you later man.”[/color] And with that, Wake exited the room, happy with his new plans for the future.