[b]CANON CHARACTER - [i]claimed by [@Super Grandpa] [/i][/b] Image (if available): [img]https://tooweirdgirls.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/hobbiton13.jpg[/img] Name: Eric Lenscher / Magneto / Super Grandpa Sex: Male Age: 60+ Race: X-Man Appearance description: Very tall, blue eyes, old, long hair and beard Relationships: Friends with Born, friend of The Beraded Maniac Gang, lover of the Underground Fairy, arch-nemesis of Willy Wonka, likes Arthur (unconfirmed, possibly sexually), friends with Valkin Grandpa, husband of Lady "Electric Drill", son-in-law of Count Dooku, hated by pretty much everyone else. Bio/Description: Best described by the quotes of other characters: From the words of Arthur Dent: "... and now I'm stuck here because of the Super Mega Third Intergalactic War. And the War started because of him - this is Eric Lenscher, aka Magneto, or how he calls himself, "Super Grandpa". However really he is just a crazy madman. Once he had a magnetic super power - tied nails into knots and threw around cars. And once he threw too many, that he accidentally started the War. Eric simply wanted to free all the mutant X-men from slavery... and kill all the humans. But this his idea, all so humble and peaceful, somehow unnoticeably grew into the Battle of the Galaxies. Also, at the very start of the War, Eric was stripped of his superpower, and he became a regular old Super Farter. However this cunning-ass old man did not despair, and even traded up himself a prestigious pension, as a "veteran and disabled of the War". However when the War grew into the sizes of a Universal Shithole, Eric was caught and judged for a war crime. He was sentenced to hanging by the neck, until he dies. That is why Super Grandpa escaped to Pandora, and since then he goes crazy here. This fully crazed madman always gets his nose around, bothers everyone, bloody hell, I'm tired of him! He was countless times punished for that with beatings. But the beatings didn't help. Even though Super Grandpa lost his Super Power, but his Super Ass still had the Super Needle. On Pandora he goes mad from idleness and boredom, so he is always seeking a way to return to Earth. And so that on the Earth no one would recognize and hang him, he grew out a beard. And always so happy, bloody optimist, show him a finger - he'll die from laughter." The unconfirmed sexual attraction to Arthur is hinted by the dialogue between Arthur and Giant (and a remark from Eric): Giant: "You seem not to like me. You think I'm a bandit?" Arthur: "You were saved from the death row prison. Usually you don't find nice people there." Giant: "Did you sit in the death row prison with a bad person?" Arthur: "Aha, yeah, I did, with Eric! And it was disgusting!" Eric: "If not for me, we wouldn't get out of there!" Arthur: "If not for you, we wouldn't even get IN there!" To summarize, Eric always has crazy "Super Ideas" and "Super Plans" to get back to Earth, that causes damage (physical, mental, economical or all at once) to almost everyone around him. Usually Arthur, even if against Arthur's will, plays a key role in his plans.